
Does Rainsford kill Zaroff at the end of the story?

Does Rainsford kill Zaroff at the end of the story?

Yes, Rainsford did really kill General Zaroff. In the story, it says, “The general made one of his deepest bows. Because the next/last line states, “He had never slept in a better bed, Rainsford decided,” we know that General Zaroff became dog food.

How does Rainsford make Zaroff die?

In the end, Rainsford is able to beat Zaroff by killing him. Rainsford is able to escape capture by making Zaroff think that he died. Rainsford returns to Zaroff’s castle, surprises him, and kills him. Therefore, Rainsford wins the game by exterminating Zaroff.

Why is Rainsford sleeping in Zaroff’s bed?

He had never slept in a better bed, Rainsford decided. Having alluded to himself as yet “a beast at bay,” Rainsford indicates his intentions of attack. For him, the most dangerous of hunts is not over yet as he is cornered in Zaroff’s room (hence the allusion to baying dogs) and has no choice but to fight.

Does Rainsford kill Ivan?

Rainsford does kill Ivan, though ideally his trap would have instead killed General Zaroff. Ivan is impaled on the hunting knife which Rainsford attaches to a sapling.

Why does Rainsford choose to confront Zaroff in the end?

He wants to clarify that he has not sunk to Zaroff’s level by killing another man. He wants to express the point that he is still an animal being hunted that is defending himself, not a man who is commiting murder.

What is Zaroff’s main reason for preferring to hunt human beings rather than animals?

What is Zaroff’s main reason for preferring to hunt human beings rather than animals? There is no other big game on his island. He doesn’t like to kill innocent creatures. He hates humanity and wants to take revenge against it.

What happens to Zaroff at the end of thbe story?

Add Yours. After Rainsford pretty much jumps into the ocean, he swims back to the mansion (because he is so damn strong). Zaroff thinks Rainsford is dead so he goes home, gets his “Jamies” on and goes to bed. Rainsford is there waiting for him and they fight. Zaroff finally gets thrown down to his hungry dogs below.

What happens to General Zaroff in the Outsiders?

While General Zaroff is looking out his window at his dogs, Rainsford jumps out from behind his curtains and surprises Zaroff. Zaroff immediately congratulates Rainsford for surviving the three days on Ship-Trap Island, but Rainsford responds by saying, “I am still a beast at bay. . . Get ready, General Zaroff” (Connell, 15).

How did Rainsford and Zaroff fight at the end?

When Zaroff discovers Rainsford, the general is delighted to learn that their contest isn’t over but will conclude with one final fight to the death. The story skips over that last fight. Instead, it shows Rainsford lying in Zaroff’s bed, having defeated and killed his opponent.

What happens at the end of the most dangerous game?

This opinion is borne out when, upon going to bed, he realizes that Rainsford is in his bedroom, waiting behind a curtain for him to arrive. Zaroff tells Rainsford that he has won the game, but Rainsford parries, saying that actually he is still “a beast at bay,” or still part of the game.

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