
How did the Industrial Revolution affect globalization?

How did the Industrial Revolution affect globalization?

“Ever since the first industrial revolution, industrialization has impacted international business. In particular, advances in transport and telecommunications have had a huge impact. With increasing trade and communication, more and more companies are extending their reach across land and sea.”

What happened to businesses during the Industrial Revolution?

The Industrial Revolution shifted from an agrarian economy to a manufacturing economy where products were no longer made solely by hand but by machines. This led to increased production and efficiency, lower prices, more goods, improved wages, and migration from rural areas to urban areas.

How did Industrial Revolution lead to urbanization?

Industrialization has historically led to urbanization by creating economic growth and job opportunities that draw people to cities. Urbanization typically begins when a factory or multiple factories are established within a region, thus creating a high demand for factory labor.

What if there is no globalization and industrialization?

Without globalization, the would be a closed system. A closed system meaning we would not know what was going on in other countries. We would not have affluent countries colonizing poorer countries because affluent countries would not know about the natural resources found in the poorer countries.

What happened if there is no globalization?

Without globalization, the would be a closed system. A closed system meaning we would not know what was going on in other countries. There would be no need to form international organizations like IMF and World Bank as the relationship between the countries would be nonexistence.

What was factory life like during the Industrial Revolution?

For those running the factories the industrial revolution was a profitable time. Those working in the factories however had to put up with incredibly difficult working conditions. Long hours, irregular breaks and labour intensive work made the factory lifestyle difficult.

How did the Industrial Revolution affect factory workers?

When the Industrial Revolution started, skilled workers had to work long hours to manufacture goods (by hand, not machine) in an effort to compete with factory goods. Since everyone bought factory goods, skilled workers’ profits got lower and lower. To show their displeasure, Luddites burned down factories and machines.

What were the conditions during the Industrial Revolution?

The sentence below best describes the conditions of city life during the Industrial Revolution: Unable to afford nice homes on their small salaries, many factory workers crowded into poor tenement housing facilities. The buildings were crowded, dirty, and poorly ventilated.

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