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How do dock leaves work on nettle stings?

How do dock leaves work on nettle stings?

Dock leaves are a sworn analgesic proof against nettle stings. You need only plunge some part of your anatomy into stinging nettles and then rub the crushed leaf, vein-side down, across the affected part, to effect instant relief and an empirical proof.

Which plants leaves cure nettle stings?

For relief during this time, try using the juices from a dock plant or a jewelweed plant. Both of these plants can usually be found in the same areas as stinging nettles. Dock plant leaves are big, oval in shape, and have rounded tips and wavy edges. The lower leaves have red stems.

Are dock leaves antihistamine?

Dock leaf sap contains a natural antihistamine, which helps to ease the stinging sensation. The dock leaves themselves contain oxalic acid, which deters herbivores from eating them.

How do you relieve nettle stings?


  1. Wash the area with soap and water as soon as possible to relieve the sting and remove the nettle hairs.
  2. Local symptoms of pain and itching can be relieved by applying a moistened cloth and/or ice pack to the area.

Should you spit on a dock leaf?

If you pick a dock leaf and break it up to release the chemicals and then add some spit to the crumpled up leaf prior to applying it gently to the stings, both the antihistamine and the natural healing properties of saliva will ease the pain.

Why do nettles and dock leaves grow together?

Dock leaves and stinging nettles grow in similar habitats. There are a few theories as to why dock leaves appear to help nettle stings. The most plausible are: the cooling sensation of the sap evaporating from the affected skin can relieve some of the stinging sensation.

Why do dock leaves always grow near to nettles?

How do you get rid of dock leaves?

Dock seedlings can be killed by spraying with lawn weedkillers based on 2,4-D or MCPA (Vitax LawnClear 2 or Weedol Lawn Weedkiller), but they become fairly resistant to these weedkillers once they have established a fleshy rootstock.

Do dock leaves grow next to stinging nettles?

It can be found in similar places to nettles, like meadows and damp understorey areas. Dock leaves don’t just relieve stings – they’re also a food plant for the small copper butterfly. Dock leaves and stinging nettles grow in similar habitats.

Why do you put Dock Leaves on nettles?

It has also been suggested that the cooling sensation of the sap evaporating from the skin affected can also relieve some of the stinging sensation. The centuries-old belief that dock leaves cure nettle stings is widespread, but some feel that it only works because people want it to.

Can a dock leaf heal a stinging nettle rash?

She was an R.N., as well as being from an “Old World peasant-y” (I mean that nicely) sort of background where people had to know folk remedies because they could not go to doctors easily. It is true you can use a dock leaf, but only on acids as it is a form of alcohol (alkaline) meaning treating a wasps sting with this may just make it worse.

Why do Nettles Sting and what do they do?

The nettle’s sting is an adaptation to provide protection from predators. The sting causes any predator that may eat the plant or uproot it to stay clear. Do dock leaves help nettle stings? Dock leaves come from the genus Rumex and there are several species. The most common one in the UK is the broadleaved dock.

What to do if Dock leaves Sting you?

-However, if you do believe in the curing powers of the dock leaf, try rubbing the crushed leaf, vein-side down, across the affected area and see if it helps you.

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