Users' questions

How do I change the spacing in Hotmail?

How do I change the spacing in Hotmail?

Click or tap anywhere in the paragraph you want to change, or press Ctrl+A to select all text. Click Home > Line Spacing. Select the line spacing you want. If you want more exact spacing, select Line Spacing Options.

How do I double-space in Outlook?

In a dialogue screen, click Format, and from the drop-down menu choose Paragraph. In the window with formatting properties, in the Indents (or Indents and Spacing in Outlook 2016) tab, type 10 pts under the Spacing section, in the After field. Save the changes.

How do you double-space email?

Use plain text for messages. Plain text will look ok in any and every email client available. Press Enter once, not twice, when composing HTML formatted email. Press Shift+Enter twice at the end of a paragraph, rather than pressing Enter twice.

Why is my Outlook email signature double spaced?

When you compose a message, the signature shows correctly but on the receiving end it sometimes shows double spaced. This is because the ENTER key can be interpreted differently between composing the message and actually showing the message in HTML. When you press ENTER the HTML editor will create a new paragraph.

Why are there extra spaces in my Outlook email?

By default, Outlook uses double-spacing only between paragraphs. If you’re getting double-spacing within paragraphs, it’s likely that someone has changed your default settings. You can permanently remove double-spacing between lines or paragraphs by changing your default message template settings.

Why is my enter key double spacing?

When typing a letter the paragraph is automatically formatted in single space. However, when the ‘enter’ key is pressed, a double space is created as if between paragraphs.

Why are my emails double spaced?

Double-spacing within outgoing messages also can be caused when you press “Enter” after each line in a paragraph instead of allowing Outlook to insert automatic line breaks. Pressing the Enter key creates a paragraph break, which is double-spaced by default in Outlook.

Are emails double spaced?

Keep your topics short and concise and separate them by a double-space. Paragraphs in email should not be indented, either.

How do I get rid of extra space in my email?

Space Bar

  1. While editing the content, locate the area near the extra space.
  2. Click to the right of your line, and drag across the empty space.
  3. If you see the highlighted space, click your cursor into the area and click delete to delete the extra space.

How do I get rid of tight spacing in Outlook?

Here’s how to disable it:

  1. Click “View” in the menu. Find the “Layout” category in the ribbon and you’ll see an new button there called “Use Tighter Spacing”.
  2. Click “Use Tighter Spacing” and it’ll revert back to the way it was.

Why is there a big space between lines?

This is by design, so that there is a clear space between paragraphs without you having to press Enter twice. You can press Shift+Enter to go to a new line without starting a new paragraph, and hence without adding the extra space.

How do I create a double spaced email in outlook?

When you press Enter while creating HTML email, Outlook inserts a paragraph tag ( ), so two Enters (for white space between the paragraphs) inserts two tags, which is double spaced when rendered in a browser. If you use Shift+Enter twice, which creates the line break tag ( ), the message will not look double spaced in a browser.

How can I Make my text message double spaced?

Click Format in the lower left and choose Paragraph. In the Spacing section, change the After value to 12 points. Save and close the template. Now when you write a new message you’ll press enter once and have white space when recipients read the message in any client or web browser.

Why are my messages double spaced in Gmail?

This effect is caused by the HTML coding and is most frequent for recipients using a web-based email client, such as GMail. This is because of the way Outlook creates line breaks in HTML and how browsers or other clients interpret them. In some cases, the message is correctly spaced when received and only double spaced when replied to.

How to adjust line spacing in emails in outlook?

If you need to adjust the line spacing to Exactly width or At least width, please click the Line and Paragraph Spacing button > Line Spacing Options (or Paragraph in Outlook 2007) on the Format Text tab. Step 3: In the coming Paragraph dialog box, go to the Spacing section,…

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