
How do you use larynx in a sentence?

How do you use larynx in a sentence?

Larynx in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Strain on her larynx caused the singer’s voice to crack.
  2. Pressure on the larynx stopped the victim from yelling for help.
  3. Acid reflux that affected the man’s larynx caused the sound of his voice to change.
  4. The raspy voiced singer always blamed her jittery vocal cords on her larynx.

What are some examples of larynx?

The definition of larynx is the structure at the upper part of the human trachea that contains the vocal cords or a similar structure in other creatures. An example of the larynx is the combination of muscle and cartilage which is used for speech.

What of the meaning of larynx?

Listen to pronunciation. (LAYR-inx) The area of the throat containing the vocal cords and used for breathing, swallowing, and talking. Also called voice box.

Why do we call larynx as the voice box?

The larynx, also called the voice box, is a 2-inch-long, tube-shaped organ in the neck. When we talk, the vocal cords tighten up and move closer together. Air from the lungs is forced between them and makes them vibrate, producing the sound of our voice. The tongue, lips, and teeth form this sound into words.

What is the meaning of laryngeal nerve?

Laryngeal nerve, recurrent: One of the branches of the vagus nerve, a long and important nerve that originates in the brain stem. After the recurrent laryngeal nerve leaves the vagus nerve, it goes down into the chest and then loops back up, to supply nerves to the larynx (the voice box).

Which is called voicebox?

The area of the throat containing the vocal cords and used for breathing, swallowing, and talking. Also called larynx.

What is Adam’s apple?

When the larynx grows larger during puberty, it sticks out at the front of the throat. This is what’s called an Adam’s apple. Everyone’s larynx grows during puberty, but a girl’s larynx doesn’t grow as much as a boy’s does. That’s why boys have Adam’s apples. This larger larynx also gives boys deeper voices.

Which is an example of a larynx in a sentence?

Definition of larynx : the modified upper part of the trachea of air-breathing vertebrates that in humans, most other mammals, and some amphibians and reptiles contains the vocal cords Examples of larynx in a Sentence

How is paroxysmal laryngitis defined in a sentence?

Paroxysmal Laryngitis, or laryngismus stridulus, is a nervous affection of the larynx that occurs in infants. Trachea of the males with a transverse, bony, unsymmetrical dilatation at the inferior larynx. He undertook to apply the laryngoscope to the larynx in the act of singing.

How is the sound produced in the larynx?

Sound is produced by air passing through the larynx on the way to the lungs, causing the walls of the larynx to vibrate. The pitch of the sound that is produced can be altered by the pull of muscles, which changes the tension of the vocal cords. Also called voice box.

Why is the larynx called the voice box?

The organ by which the singing-voice is produced is the larynx. This is caused by ulcers on the posterior wall of the larynx. Thus the opening from the larynx into the pharynx is closed. This tube is larger than your thumb and is named the larynx, or voice box.

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