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How does air move at night?

How does air move at night?

But in general air moves from high-pressure to low-pressure areas, much the way that high-pressure air rushes from the mouth of an inflated balloon when you let go. Heat also generally moves from the warmer equator to the cooler poles.

What does Earth’s atmosphere do at night?

The atmosphere protects Earth like a big blanket of insulation. It absorbs the heat from the Sun and keeps the heat inside the atmosphere helping the Earth to stay warm, called the Greenhouse Effect. It also keeps the overall temperature of the Earth fairly steady, especially between night and day.

What will be the movement of wind during night time?

Land breeze, a local wind system characterized by a flow from land to water late at night. Land breezes alternate with sea breezes along coastlines adjacent to large bodies of water.

Why does air flow downhill at night?

During the day, air on mountain slopes is heated more than air at the same elevation over an adjacent valley. At night the mountain slopes cool more quickly than the nearby valley, which causes a mountain breeze to flow downhill.

How does air move between mountains and valleys?

Temperature differences between mountains and valleys create mountain and valley breezes. During the day, air on mountain slopes is heated more than air at the same elevation over an adjacent valley. As the day progresses, warm air rises and draws the cool air up from the valley, creating a valley breeze.

What happens to the air during a calm night?

Regardless of their genteel nature, eddies on a “calm” night circulate cold air gently upward (in blue) and slightly warmer air downward (in red). The upshot of the rising eddies (no pun intended) is to help to thicken the layer of cold air next to the ground.

How does the wind affect the nighttime temperature?

If we allow for temperature advection to occur, then all bets are off regarding the mechanical effects of the wind on nighttime temperature, especially during winter (strong cold-air advection can more than offset the mixing down of warmer air). If the wind strongly advects warm air on a winter night, the temperature will likely rise, not fall.

Why does the air get colder at night?

When the wind blows over the rough Earth’s surface, it creates turbulent swirls of air called eddies. At night, invisible eddies mix colder air in contact with the cooling ground upward, while also circulating slightly warmer air toward the ground from higher up.

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