
How many calories does 10 minutes of aerobics burn?

How many calories does 10 minutes of aerobics burn?

That’s because even with the afterburn effect, Gibala estimates that the average person would only burn about 150 calories with the 10-minute interval workout.

What exercise burns the most calories in 10 minutes?

10 ways to burn 100 calories in 10 minutes

  1. Mix stairs and burpees.
  2. Climb a rock wall.
  3. Take a spin.
  4. Score a goal.
  5. Pair dumbbells and plank jacks.
  6. Jump rope.
  7. Step it up.
  8. Try plyometrics.

How many calories does 20 minutes of aerobics burn?

For example, some people in his Tabata study burned up to 360 calories during the 20-minute workout, or 18 calories per minute.

Can you burn 200 calories in 10 minutes?

You can burn 200 calories in 10 to 15 minutes. Climbing stairs. Climb your way to killer legs. You don’t have to use a stair climber at the gym—you can climb stairs at home, at a park or almost anywhere.

How to find out how many calories you burn in aerobics?

Find out how many calories you burn for Aerobics, general, low impact (including Walk Away The Pounds). The number of calories you burn while exercising is dependent on the exercise you do, your weight, and the time spent doing the exercise. Use the calories burned calculator below to see how many calories you burned during your workout.

How many calories can you burn in 10 minutes of exercise?

Choose the right exercise, and you could burn over 100 calories! Do 10 minutes a few times a day, and boom — you’ve burned as many calories in a 30-minute workout! *All calculations are based on a 150-pound woman. Ready to Get Your Sweat on?

How many calories do you burn in a day?

If you can burn an extra 100 calories a day during a 30 minute cardio workout, this equates to a weight loss of about 10 pounds a year! Use our calorie calculator below to find out how many calories you’re burning and which exercises burn the most calories.

Which is cardio exercises burn the most calories?

With our calorie burned calculator, you can finally see how many calories you’re burning and which specific exercises burn the most calories. Get the most out of your cardio workouts and use exercises that burn more calories for the same amount of time when you workout.

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