How many people does 1lb potato salad serve?
Assuming you’re adding almost as much meat or main dish, you can comfortably serve half a pound of potato salad for each person at your table. So for 10 people, you’d need 4 pounds, or 64 oz, or about 10 cups.
How many pounds of potatoes do you need to feed a hundred people?
A: 100, 1/2 cup servings of potatoes needs 25 pounds of potatoes. However, if the group has other choices for sides, I think you can get by with about 15-20 pounds minimum.
How much does 4 lbs of macaroni salad feed?
A standard 1-pound box of pasta will generally yield about 8 cups of cooked pasta, so you can expect to feed about 16 people from one box. So, 4 or 5 pounds of dry pasta should be plenty, assuming you’re bulking up the salad with plenty of extras.
What is the best potato salad recipe?
Stir together the mayonnaise, ranch dressing, relish, mustard, salt, pepper, paprika, and celery seed in a mixing bowl. Add the eggs, potatoes, onion, pepperoncini, and olives; stir until evenly mixed. Cover and refrigerate at least 2 hours before serving. This creamy potato salad tastes delicious chilled.
How much salad to serve per person?
Salad: If it’s a side salad, go for one big handful per person. Vegetable and potato side dishes: About four or five ounces of each should do. Pasta, beans, rice, and grains: For a side dish, aim for two ounces per person (but allow for six ounces of pasta and three ounces of beans for vegetarians).
How much is serving of potatoes?
According to the USDA Dietary Guidelines and MyPlate a serving of potato is 1 cup diced, mashed or baked or 1 medium boiled potato. For an individual with diabetes, a serving of carbohydrate (15 grams) is equivalent to a small potato or a 3 ounce serving.
How much potatoes per person?
If you’re making roasted potatoes, figure you will need 1/2 pound of potatoes per person. If each person eats 1/2 pound, here’s how many potatoes you’ll need: 4 people – 2 pounds (4 large potatoes) 6 people – 3 pounds (6 large potatoes) 12 people – 6 pounds (12 large potatoes)