
Is funner a correct word?

Is funner a correct word?

Funner & funnest I am sad that “funner” and “funnest” are not proper words. They are lots of fun to use anyway. We may often use fun as an adjective today (‘I had a fun time’), but when the word first entered the English language at the end of the 17th century it was mostly used as a verb or a noun.

Why can’t we say funner?

It turns out that “fun” was originally only used as a noun. Because “fun” was only a noun at one point, it hasn’t taken on all the usual adjectival forms. We can say “more fun” or “the most fun” because it is possible to use “more” and “the most” with nouns (think of “more money” and “the most money,” for example).

Is it more fun or funner?

Fun, the Adjective Many people, perhaps most people, strongly prefer more fun and most fun as the comparative and superlative forms of fun. Still, plenty of others label things funner and funnest. Many dictionaries acknowledge this use, but still label the adjective form as informal.

Is funner a word in 2020?

And they also agree that…the answer to “is funner a word?” is yes. If you want to consider “fun,” as an adjective, a word, then “funner” is indeed a word, as is “funnest,” per normal rules of adjective formation.

Is Goodest a word?

No, ‘goodest’ is not a word. The word you want is ‘best. ‘ To form the superlative form, you often add -est to an adjective.

What year did funner become a word?

19th century
Funner and funnest have seen usage as real words for over a century, but neither are formally entered in the dictionary (yet). In fact, fun wasn’t even an adjective describing something enjoyable until the 19th century, and from there its superlative forms eventually emerged to be argued over.

Is Beautifulest a proper word?

Answer and Explanation: While beautiful is a word and the suffix -est can be added to the end of various adjectives to make them superlative, ‘beautifulest’ is not a word.

Is “funnest” really a word?

Funnest is a regular superlative of the adjective fun. However, the use of fun as an adjective is itself still often seen as informal or casual and to be avoided in formal writing, and this would apply equally to the superlative form.

Is Funner a grammatically correct word?

The term “funner” and “funnest” are definitely used and technically grammatically correct in the sense that multiple dictionaries include the word. However, they are less used than “more fun” or “most fun” and are almost exclusively used in informal writing.

Is funnier a real word?

Funner and funnest have seen usage as real words for over a century, but neither are formally entered in the dictionary (yet). In fact, fun wasn’t even an adjective describing something enjoyable until the 19th century, and from there its superlative forms eventually emerged to be argued over.

Do you say Funner or more fun?

Traditionally, it’s “more fun” because “fun” is a noun. However, if you interpret “fun” as an adjective, then it is “funner”, just as it is “hotter” and not “more hot”. You should however appreciate that this is currently nonstandard or slang, so if you’re talking about formal usage, you need to use “more fun”.

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