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Should the school week be shortened to 4 days?

Should the school week be shortened to 4 days?

Increased attendance – the transition to 4 days has been proven to increase student attendance, in some schools by up to 20% in a two year period. Improved student-wellbeing – A shortened teaching week could also give students downtime to recover from the stress of school.

What are the disadvantages of a 4 day school week?

List of the Cons of 4-Day School Weeks

  • It may encourage a decline in academic performance.
  • It may cause juvenile crime to increase.
  • It may not create an improvement in student grades.
  • It does not always help school districts save money.
  • It can create problems with the student’s home schedule.

Is a 4 day school week good?

National and state-specific research finds minimal impacts of the four-day school week on overall cost savings, but it suggests that four-day school weeks may allow school districts greater resource flexibility in the wake of budget shortfalls.

Why school days should be 4 days a week?

Better Teacher and Student Morale Some students feel the four-day school week provides an opportunity for extra rest and a less stressful environment. Being out of school one extra day per week allows students to relax or to be more productive.

Should school be 5 days a week?

Compared to a 6 day week, you can say that a 5 day week keeps students fresher and more motivated to learn. Because they have two days off each week they do not get so bored of school. You can say that 5 days gives teachers more time to teach and allows students to have enough time to learn.

What state has school 4 days a week?

Best available research indicates that approximately 560 districts in 25 states have one or more schools on a four-day schedule. More than half of these districts are located in four states—Colorado, Montana, Oklahoma and Oregon—where a significant portion of districts have opted into the four-day week.

Is a 5 day school week better?

Compared to a 6 day week, you can say that a 5 day week keeps students fresher and more motivated to learn. Because they have two days off each week they do not get so bored of school. They have some time off to relax and become motivated again to go to school.

Why are 3 day weekends good for students?

After all, when each day counts as 25% of the learning, students are less likely to miss a day. Looking forward to a three-day weekend each week leads to greater work-life balance for teachers, which leads to improved staff morale and a positive impact on what is taught in classrooms.

Why we should have a 3 day weekend?

A three-day weekend provides more leisure time, reduces commuting and energy consumption. Although it would mean that essential services are closed on that additional day and working days would generally be longer to fit the usual five-day workload into four.

Does a four-day school week improves test scores?

Students in four-day school weeks have standardized math and reading test scores that are substantially lower than students in five-day school weeks.

Are shorter school days better?

Shorter school days should be utilized in the U.S. education system as it comes with many benefits. Students have more time outside of school to focus on other important aspects of their lives. Therefore, they won’t feel as stressed with time management, and won’t fall behind on such enriching activities.

Why do schools have a four day week?

Reasons for implementing the shorter week vary, but most school districts implement a shorter week seeking to cut costs due to budget constraints. Research shows that the maximum possible cost savings for districts on a four-day week is 5.43 percent, but average savings range from 0.4 to 2.5 percent.

What are the pros and cons of shorter school week?

The trade-off for a shorter week is a longer school day. Many schools are adding thirty minutes to both the beginning and end of the school day. This extra hour can make the day pretty long especially for younger students, which can often lead to a loss of focus later in the day.

How many school districts have moved to 4 day week?

Public schools across the country are cutting their budgets in creative ways that challenge community stakeholders. One example is moving to a four-day school week. The four-day schedule has a nearly 50-year history in the United States, and of the 15,000 school districts in the country, over 120 have moved to a four-day schedule.

What are the pros and cons of a four day week?

Moving to a four-day school week increases the length of the school day. The trade-off for a shorter week is a longer school day. Many schools are adding thirty minutes to both the beginning and end of the school day.

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