
What are primary fuels give examples?

What are primary fuels give examples?

For example, primary energy sources include petroleum, natural gas, coal, biomass, flowing water, wind, and solar radiation. Those are the fuels that can be mined, reaped, extracted, harvested, or harnessed directly.

What are secondary fuels?

Secondary fuels are fuels that are derived from some primary fuel or fuels through chemical or physical processes. These are fuels that are not found as a natural resource. Gasoline is the best example of a secondary fuel, as it must be made from oil through distillation processes.

What are primary and secondary fuels with examples?

Answer: Primary Fuels are the natural Fuel like wood ,coal, dung and Secondary fuels are the artificial fuels likecoke , charcoal.

Which one is not an example of a primary fuel?

Answer:The answer is coal. Plz mark me as the brainliest !!!

Does Coke is a primary fuel?

The primary fuels are also known as the naturally occurring fuels which can either be a solid, liquid or a gas. A fuel is named solid fuel when the natural occurrence of the fuel is solid. These include wood, coal, peat, which are primary sources and coke and charcoal which are secondary sources.

What is the difference between primary and secondary fuels?

Primary fuels are the fuels that are found in nature and can be extracted, cleaned or graded, without any sort of energy conversion or transformation process. Ex. Coal, crude oil. Secondary fuels are the fuels that are derived from some primary fuels through chemical or physical process.

What are secondary fuels give examples?


Primary (natural) Secondary (artificial)
Solid fuels wood, coal, peat, dung, etc. coke, charcoal
Liquid fuels petroleum diesel, gasoline, kerosene, LPG, coal tar, naphtha, ethanol
Gaseous fuels natural gas hydrogen, propane, methane, coal gas, water gas, blast furnace gas, coke oven gas, CNG

Is coke primary or secondary fuel?

A fuel is named solid fuel when the natural occurrence of the fuel is solid. These include wood, coal, peat, which are primary sources and coke and charcoal which are secondary sources. The energy is consumed from these materials by heating.

Is coke a secondary fuel?

One of the important secondary fuels is coke. Coke is an important raw material in the blast furnace iron-making. It is a source of chemical and thermal energy in the blast furnace.

Which is not a secondary fuel?

A liquid fuel is flammable and compressible. These are produced due to the fossil remains. These include petroleum which are primary sources and diesel, gasoline are a few secondary sources. Then clearly D is not the answer.

What are secondary fuels list some examples?

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