
What are the 20 input devices?

What are the 20 input devices?


  • keyboard.
  • mouse.
  • scanner.
  • joy stick.
  • track ball.
  • light pen.
  • touch screen.
  • microphone.

What are input devices of a computer?

In computing, an input device is a peripheral (piece of computer hardware equipment) used to provide data and control signals to an information processing system such as a computer or other information appliance. Examples of input devices include keyboards, mice, scanners, digital cameras and joysticks.

How many types of input devices are there?

Input devices are broken down into 3 categories: keyboards, pointing devices, and Data-Entry devices.

What are the four basic types of input?

What are four basic types of input?

  • Keyboard. Keyboard is the most common and very popular input device which helps to input data to the computer.
  • Mouse. Mouse is the most popular pointing device.
  • Joystick.
  • Light Pen.
  • Track Ball.
  • Scanner.
  • Digitizer.
  • Microphone.

What are 5 examples of input devices?

Input Device is a hardware part of the computer that is used to enter data and instructions into computer memory. The examples of input devices include: Keyboard, Mouse, Track ball, Track Pad, Joy stick, Touch Screen, Light pen, Scanner, Digital Camera, Microphone, Graphics tablet etc.

What are the names of output devices?

  • but it can not be accessed otherwise.
  • Print Output Devices.
  • Sound Output Devices.
  • What are five examples of input devices of computer?

    10 Examples of Input Devices of Computer Keyboard: A keyboard is the most common input device. Generally standard keyboard has 104 keys. Mouse: A mouse is an electro mechanical, hand held device . It is used as a pointer. Light pen: An input device that utilizes a light-sensitive detector to select objects on a display screen.

    What are the categories of input devices?

    There are two broad categories of Input Devices: discrete (or digital), and analog. Contactors, motor starters, valves, and other Output devices are used to turn on/off motors, lights, heating elements, and other equipment. Both Discrete and Analog Output devices are available.

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