
What are the functions of areolar connective tissue class 9?

What are the functions of areolar connective tissue class 9?

a)Areolar: They are found between skin and muscles, around blood vessels, nerves, fill space inside organs.

  • It act as supporting and packing tissue between organs lying in body cavity.
  • it helps in repair of tissue after an injury.
  • It fixes skin to underlying muscles.

What are the three main function of areolar tissue?

Its functions are as follows: Supports the internal organs. Assists in tissue repair of muscles and skin. Acts as a packaging tissue between organs by filling the space inside the organs.

What are functions of areolar connective tissue quizlet?

What are some of the functions of areolar connective tissue? it wraps and cushions other organs, it plays an important role in inflammation, holds and conveys tissue fluid, its macrophages phagocytize bacteria.

What are the functions of areolar tissue class 11?

Function: Function of Areolar tissues are: (i) It helps support internal organs. (ii) It helps in repairing the tissues of skin and muscles. (iii) Acts as a packaging tissue between organs by filling the space inside the organs.

What are the types of connective tissue class 9?

Different types of connective tissues include areolar tissue, adipose tissue (fat), blood, bone, and cartilage.

What are the two main types of Fibres of connective tissue class 9?

White and yellow fibres. White fibres are thin wavy unbranched inelastic occur in bundles and formed of protein collagen. Yellow fibres are thick straight elastic branched occuring singly formed of protein elastin.

What is the function of mesenchyme connective tissue?

The loose nature of cells within mesenchyme allows the tissue to move and to be molded. During embryogenesis, mesenchyme gives rise to the body’s connective tissues, from cartilage and bone to fat, muscle, and the circulatory system.

Which is an example of connective tissue proper?

Tendons connecting muscles to bone and ligaments connecting bone to bone are examples of dense connective tissue proper.

Which is hardest connective tissue?

Bone is the hardest connective tissue. It provides protection to internal organs and supports the body. Bone’s rigid extracellular matrix contains mostly collagen fibers embedded in a mineralized ground substance containing hydroxyapatite, a form of calcium phosphate.

What is the structure and function of adipose tissue?

Lying three layers deep under the skin, the adipose tissue is composed of a loose collection of specialized cells, called adipocytes, embedded in a mesh of collagen fibers. Its main role in the body is function as a fuel tank for the storage of lipids and triglycerides.

What is the function of the areolar connective tissue?

The main functions of the areolar connective tissues are: 1 It holds the organs in place 2 Provides water and salts for nearby tissues 3 Cells of the body obtain nutrients from the areolar connective tissues 4 Cells also excrete their metabolic wastes into it. More

What is the function of a connective tissue?

The name ‘connective tissue’ sounds like a pretty self-explanatory one, but these tissues do a bit more than just connect things. Connective tissues (CT) are tissues that connect, support, anchor, or separate different tissues or organs within the body.

Which is the most widely distributed connective tissue in the body?

Areolar Tissue: Areolar tissue is the most widely distributed connective tissue in the animal body. It is present under the skin and supports the epithelium. It contains randomly distributed fibres, fibroblasts, mast cells and macrophages.

How are connective tissues support the transport of fluid?

Transport of fluid, nutrients, waste, and chemical messengers is ensured by specialized fluid connective tissues, such as blood and lymph. Adipose cells store surplus energy in the form of fat and contribute to the thermal insulation of the body.

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