
What are the Japanese values and traditions in the story of the aged mother?

What are the Japanese values and traditions in the story of the aged mother?

The leader realized that the elderly has the wisdom so they are indispensible. The Japanese upholds the values and traditions of following and respecting the elderly. The story shows that Japanese are obedient, as the poor man listened to what his mother said.

How would you compare modern Japan with traditional Japan?


  1. Old Japanese Culture: Conservative, Nationalistic, traditionally driven.
  2. Modern Japanese Culture: International, adaptive, technology-oriented.
  3. Old Japanese Culture: One of the traits of Japanese culture of the past is the emphasis on hospitality and politeness.

What is the tradition of Japan?

“Obon” is a special time of year for the people. It’s a Japanese cultural tradition held in the middle of summer to honor ancestors. In Buddhism, it is believed that the spirits of the ancestors come back to visit their living family once a year during this time.

What is the plot of the story the aged mother?

Also known as The Story of the Aged Mother, this Japanese folktale tells the story of an unkind ruler who issues cruel orders, including one demand that all old folks are to be abandoned and left to die. The poor farmer loved his aged mother with tender reverence, and the order filled his heart with sorrow.

What are the tradition and culture of Japanese?

Having a polytheistic culture, there are also a lot of shrines and temples all around Japan. Influences from Buddhism and the traditional Shinto religion can be seen in these traditional architectures. Some of these castles and temples are listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

How do you show respect in Japanese culture?

In Japan, people greet each other by bowing. A bow can ranges from a small nod of the head to a deep bend at the waist. A deeper, longer bow indicates respect and conversely a small nod with the head is casual and informal.

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