
What causes the interior lights to stay on?

What causes the interior lights to stay on?

Lasting Light. If the car interior light simply won’t turn off, then check the switch. It may have gotten bumped accidentally by a passenger, valet or car wash employee. If the switch is in the “door” or “off” position and your interior light still stays on, then you should consult a mechanic.

Why does my dome light stay on while driving?

If a switch like the drivers door switch shows open all the time then the interior lights would stay on while driving. The drivers door latch switch for door ajar may be not closing the circuit.

Why won’t my dome lights turn off?

The likely cause of a dome light not turning off is either the dashboard light control knob being activated accidentally or a broken door switch. You can remove the wire from the door switch, if you are able to access the backside of the switch.

Why will my car lights not turn off?

The Control Knob is Activated If your dome light is on, this is probably the reason. If you can not turn it off, that means that one of your car’s switches is stuck in the on position. You can try adjusting the dome light switch to see if you can lower the brightness, or even turn the light off the whole way.

Why won’t my cabin lights turn off?

The likely cause of a dome light not turning off is either the dashboard light control knob being activated accidentally or a broken door switch. You can remove the wire from the door switch, if you are able to access the backside of the switch. The wire pulls off of the switch easily.

How do I Turn Off my Chevrolet Blazer?

Dear bchee– You can’t. Your 2002 Chevrolet Blazer has daytime running lights and the car is programmed to turn them on whenever the car is turned on. The only way to turn this feature off is to have a dealer hook it up to his computer and disable the daytime running lights. Good luck from Bovan.

How to turn off the autmatic lights on a Chevy Blazer?

If the brake light doesn’t bother you then you can push the emergency brake in about one or two clicks it will not engage your emergency brake but however it will disengage your daytime running lights 2 people found this helpful.

How do you turn off the dome override?

You can turn them off by turning them on manually, then hold the dome override button and turn them back off. This only works until you turn off the ignition and must be repeated each time you engage the ignition switch

How do I Turn Off my parking lights?

Turn lights off when in park by engaging the Parking/Emergency brake. 10 people found this helpful. 7 people found this helpful. the button that turns your dome light on and off is also the over ride button for your daytime lights. press it four times fast and you will hear a chime and lights will go off.

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