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What did the Gabrielino tribe use for tools?
On Santa Catalina Island, the Gabrielino had a good supply of steatite, a stone also known as soapstone. From steatite they carved pots, bowls, and other cooking utensils, as well as small figures of animals, particularly whales.
What tools did the Tongva use?
Typical of life by the ocean, seafood like kelp, shark, shellfish, and clams was abundant. The Tongva caught fish in nets or on lines with hooks of bone or shell. Seals and sea lions were hunted using spears or harpoons. On land, the Tongva also hunted with boomerangs, or makanas, and bows and arrows.
What did Tongva eat?
They ate the flowers and the sweet, yellow-‐tan fruit. They also dried some of the fruit in the sun, ground them into flour, and made cakes. They even ate the grasshoppers that lived in the groves.
What is Gabrielino religion?
In religion, for instance, the Gabrielino were the source of the jimsonweed cult, a widely practiced southern California religion that involved various sacred and esoteric rituals and the drinking of toloache, a hallucinogen made from the jimsonweed (Datura stramonium).
What do the Gabrielino eat?
The Gabrielinos were hunter-gatherers, and moved from place to place frequently as they gathered food for their families. Gabrielino men hunted deer, rabbits, and small game, and went fishing in the rivers and ocean. Gabrielino women gathered acorns, nuts, beans, and fruits.
What kind of weapons did the Gabrielino Indians use?
Gabrielino hunters used bows and arrows or throwing sticks, and sometimes built wooden traps. Fishermen used nets and harpoons. Gabrielino warriors fired their arrows or used war clubs. Here is a website with facts about American Indian weapons .
What kind of food did the Gabrielino Indians eat?
Gabrielino men hunted deer, rabbits, and small game, and went fishing in the rivers and ocean. Gabrielino women gathered acorns, nuts, beans, and fruits. They baked bread from specially prepared acorn flour, or sometimes from corn they got in trade.
What kind of clothing did the Gabrieleno Indians wear?
Unlike most Native American tribes, the Gabrielenos rarely wore moccasins. They either went barefoot or wore sandals. Here are some photos and links about Native American clothing styles in general. Gabrieleno men did not originally wear Native American war bonnets like the Sioux. Gabrieleno women wore basket hats, and men went bare-headed.
How did the Gabrielino Indians get to North America?
Here is a website with Native American canoe pictures . Over land, the Gabrielinos usually just walked. Once Europeans introduced horses to North America, the Gabrielinos could travel quicker and further.