
What do fish and reptiles have in common?

What do fish and reptiles have in common?

Both reptiles and fish are vertebrates, and most species possess a series of bones that enclose and protect their spinal cord. Some groups, such as the sharks and rays, have replaced bone with cartilage over their evolutionary history, but they are still firmly nested within the vertebrate family tree.

How are reptiles and fish different?

A fish is an animal that lives only in the water, whereas a reptile lives in both land and water. A fish is an aquatic vertebrate that is cold blooded or ectothermic. They have paired or unpaired fins, while reptiles have small legs for limbs. …

Why does reptiles amphibians and fish important?

Amphibians and reptiles play important roles in the ecosystems where they live. Some serve as predators that keep their prey’s numbers in check, like snakes that eat mice and other rodents. Other herps are the prey, like frogs who serve as a food source for many species of birds, fish, mammals and reptiles.

Are fish considered reptiles?

As members of the phylum Chordata, fish share certain features with other vertebrates. Living fishes represent some five classes, which are as distinct from one another as are the four classes of familiar air-breathing animals—amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals.

How can you tell the difference between an amphibian and a reptile?

Reptiles have scales, and their skin is dry. Amphibians do not, and their skin is often moist with mucus, which keeps them from drying up. Reptiles hatch from eggs that have a protective outer layer such as a brittle or leathery shell.

Are fish reptiles yes or no?

Fish are vertebrates that live in water and have gills, scales and fins on their body.

What is the difference between a reptile and amphibian?

What type of body covering does reptiles have?

Reptiles are air-breathing vertebrates covered in special skin made up of scales, bony plates, or a combination of both. They include crocodiles, snakes, lizards, turtles, and tor- toises. All regularly shed the outer layer of their skin.

How do you know if its a reptile?

How to Tell Amphibians and Reptiles Apart

  1. If the animal’s skin is hard and scaly, with skutes or bony plates as in Image A, then the animal is a reptile.
  2. If on the other hand the animal’s skin is soft, smooth, or warty and is possibly moist as in Image B, then the animal is an amphibian.

How are fish and reptiles different from each other?

They have fins to swim and gills to take oxygen from the water. Reptiles, on the other hand, are tetrapod animals and they are cold-blooded. The skin of reptiles lacks a dermal layer. Fish breathe through gills, while reptiles breathe through their lungs. Fish have separate scales, and reptiles have scaly skin.

What can scientists learn from studying fish and Amphibs?

By studying fish, amphib- ians, and reptiles, scientists can learn about a variety of vertebrate characteristics, includ- ing how these animals reproduce, develop, and are classified. List two unique characteristics for each animal group you will be studying.

What are the characteristics of fish and amphibians?

List two unique characteristics for each animal group you will be studying. Science Journal Fish, Amphibians, and Reptiles 6-3.1Compare the characteristic structures of invertebrate animals… and vertebrate animals(fish, amphibians, and reptiles).

Why are amphibians and reptiles classified as vertebrates?

Fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals, for example, all have a similar body structure—an internal skeleton with a backbone. This is why scientists classify all five groups of animals together as vertebrates. Presumably, these groups all inherited these similarities in structure from an early vertebrate ancestor that they shared.

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