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When not deployed, servicemembers and their units undergo traditional training to prepare for the conduct of military duties. During this phase, servicemembers go through normal training and medical evaluations that maintain their personal and unit readiness level.
What military part does not go to war?
Noncombat military jobs that don’t see combat typically include those in the information technology, health care, engineering, education, human resources or finance fields.
Can you join the military without being deployed?
A soldier (or sailor, or airman or Marine) can be on active duty but not deployed, but you won’t be deployed unless you’re on active duty. Even Reservists or National Guard get “activated” in order to deploy.
Do you have to be ready to go to war?
It is just something to teach you the traditions of the Navy and that you can easily complete if you go in expecting that you will have to learn their way of thinking. Everyone in the military has to be ready to go to war if you are called. However even and engineer preforming his duties on a ship doing maintenance is something we need.
There are non combat related jobs but you will always have to be in look out position through your navy career, and if someone trys to attack what ever ship you are on you will have to fight to defend yourself and others that are with you. You have to go to basic training, and you do not necessarily have to go to war.
Do you have to be on shore duty to join the Navy?
It is something else to consider when thinking about joining the Navy. Just because you are on shore duty assignment, doesn’t mean you won’t get deployed or travel to other bases around the world. The Navy will require both volunteers and non-volunteers (about 10,000 Sailors per year) to do Individual Augmentee Duty.
These are always deployed to areas where the United States’ interests are being threatened, so there is usually little time for port visits – though there are some. On a carrier or any ship for that matter pretty much every job there is in the Navy makes the machine work like a moving city.