
What does quotient mean in a division problem?

What does quotient mean in a division problem?

The number that is being divided (in this case, 15) is called the dividend, and the number that it is being divided by (in this case, 3) is called the divisor. The result of the division is the quotient.

What does the quotient represent mean?

The answer after we divide one number by another. dividend ÷ divisor = quotient. Example: in 12 ÷ 3 = 4, 4 is the quotient. Division.

How do you find the quotient in a division problem?

Check Division with Multiplication

  1. Do the division problem.
  2. Multiply the quotient times the divisor.
  3. If there is a remainder, add it to the multiplication product.
  4. Compare this answer to the dividend. They should be the same number (630 = 630).

How do you calculate the quotient?

When you divide one number, or integer, by another, the resulting number from that division is known as the quotient. Evenly divisible numbers produce quotients of a round number.

What does quotient mean in math?

In arithmetic, a quotient (from Latin: quotiens “how many times”, pronounced / ˈkwoʊʃənt /) is a quantity produced by the division of two numbers .

What is an example of a quotient?

The quotient has widespread use throughout mathematics, and is commonly referred to as a fraction or a ratio. For example, when dividing twenty (the dividend) by three (the divisor), the quotient is six and two thirds. In this sense, a quotient is the ratio of a dividend to its divisor.

What is the quotient of a fraction?

The quotient of a fraction is the whole number that is obtained when you simplify the fraction. If the simplification of a fraction is not a whole number, the quotient is the decimal form of the fraction. If the simplification of a fraction is not a whole number, the quotient is the decimal form of the fraction. The quotient can also be the solution to a division problem involving two fractions.

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