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What does Variety mean?
1 : the quality or state of having different forms or types : multifariousness. 2 : a number or collection of different things especially of a particular class : assortment. 3a : something differing from others of the same general kind : sort.
What is the difference between variety and difference?
is that variety is a specific variation of something while variation is the act or state of varying; a partial change in the form, position, state, or qualities of a thing; modification; alternation; mutation; diversity; deviation; as, a variation of color in different lights; a variation in size; variation of language …
What are the 3 V’s?
Dubbed the three Vs; volume, velocity, and variety, these are key to understanding how we can measure big data and just how very different ‘big data’ is to old fashioned data. The most obvious one is where we’ll start. Big data is about volume. Volumes of data that can reach unprecedented heights in fact.
What is variety in classification?
In botanical nomenclature, variety (abbreviated var.; in Latin: varietas) is a taxonomic rank below that of species and subspecies, but above that of form. As such, it gets a three-part infraspecific name.
What is a variety of a species?
A variety is a description of such individuals which are occas- ionally- found within a species, which differ enough from the type to warrant a new and common name. Varieties do not commonly procreate themselves for any number of gener- ations.
What is big data V’s?
Share. Volume, velocity, variety, veracity and value are the five keys to making big data a huge business.
WHAT DOES variety of data mean?
Variety in Big Data refers to all the structured and unstructured data that has the possibility of getting generated either by humans or by machines. The most commonly added data are structured -texts, tweets, pictures & videos. Variety is all about the ability to classify the incoming data into various categories.
Why is it important to have a variety of food?
Eating a variety of foods from the five major food groups provides a range of different nutrients to the body, promotes good health and can help reduce the risk of disease – as well as keeping your diet interesting with different flavours and textures!
What is the difference between variety and various?
” Variety ” is a quality (of being different, of spanning a diverse spectrum) whereas ” various ” means possessing the quality of variety. So, while using the former, one would say “a variety of beverages” and for the latter “various beverages”. Both usages imply a diverse range of beverages.
What is the difference between variety and variation?
variety | variation |. is that variety is a specific variation of something while variation is the act or state of varying; a partial change in the form, position, state, or qualities of a thing; modification; alternation; mutation; diversity; deviation; as, a variation of color in different lights; a variation in size; variation of language.
What is the meaning of variety?
variety – (biology) a taxonomic category consisting of members of a species that differ from others of the same species in minor but heritable characteristics; “varieties are frequently recognized in botany”. biological science, biology – the science that studies living organisms.
What is the adjective for variety?
Varying is the adjective form of vary and is used to describe things that change or include different elements. If you vary your diet, for example, that means you eat a wide variety of foods, not the same old thing every day.