
What happened on the 6th of May 1937?

What happened on the 6th of May 1937?

This Day in History: May 6 On this day in 1937, while landing at Lakehurst, New Jersey, on its first transatlantic crossing of the year, the German dirigible Hindenburg burst into flames and was destroyed, killing 36 of the 97 persons aboard.

What kind of gas caused the Hindenburg to explode?

The prevailing explanation of the Hindenburg fire was that hydrogen lifting gas, released either intentionally or by accident, was ignited by static electricity discharged from the zeppelin’s skin.

How many people was killed on the Hindenburg?

Slightly less than one year later, on May 6, 1937, the world watched in horror as the Hindenburg caught fire, leading to the death of 35 people on the airship and one person on the ground in New Jersey.

What did the Hindenburg fly on?

On its first return flight from Lakehurst to Frankfurt in May 1936, the giant ship transported a Staggerwing Beechcraft (with its wings detached) in the central cargo bay – the first aircraft transported across the ocean as freight by Hindenburg.

What was the cause of the Hindenburg disaster?

The Cause of the Hindenburg Disaster, in Brief. Almost 80 years of research and scientific tests support the same conclusion reached by the original German and American accident investigations in 1937: It seems clear that the Hindenburg disaster was caused by an electrostatic discharge (i.e., a spark) that ignited leaking hydrogen.

What caused Hindenburg fire?

Two less popular theories for the Hindenburg disaster include lightning ignition and engine failure. It was proposed that as the Hindenburg vented hydrogen to maintain ballast during its descent a lighting strike ignited the hydrogen-oxygen mix and caused the fire along the skin.

Did anyone survive the Hindenburg disaster?

Survivors of the Hindenburg disaster far outnumbered the victims. Anyone who has seen the graphic newsreel video of the Hindenburg plunging to earth in flames may be amazed to know that of the 97 passengers and crew on board, 62 survived. The disaster’s 36 deaths included 13 passengers, 22 crewmembers and one worker on the ground.

How many people died on the Hindenburg?

The German passenger airship LZ 129 Hindenburg caught fire and was destroyed during its attempt to dock with its mooring mast at Naval Air Station Lakehurst. On board were 97 people (36 passengers and 61 crewmen); there were 36 fatalities (13 passengers and 22 crewmen, 1 worker on the ground).

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