
What is a serving size of cola?

What is a serving size of cola?

Calorie count – sodas and energy drinks

Coca-Cola Classic 12 oz 140
Coca-Cola Zero 12 oz 0
Diet Coca-Cola 12 oz 0
Diet Dr. Pepper 12 oz 0

What soda has least sugar?

The three brands of soda that have the least amount of sugar in them are Coca-Cola Classic (39 grams/12 fl. oz.), Sprite (38 grams/12 fl. oz.), and 7-Up (37 grams/12 fl. oz.).

How do you calculate soda for a party?

The formula is short and simple – all you to do is make sure that every guest has a drink for every hour of the party, plus one extra in case they want more. So the formula is: # of soft drinks = # of guests * (party duration in hours + 1) .

How big should my portions be?

One easy way to size up portions if you don’t have any measurements is to use your hand as a guide: A clenched fist is about a cup — and a cup is the amount experts recommend for a portion of pasta, rice, cereal, vegetables, and fruit. A meat portion should be about as big as your palm.

How many servings in a 2 liter bottle of soda?

A 2-liter bottle of soda will give 10 8-ounce servings, while beverages that come in gallon containers will yield 16 8-ounce servings. That comes out to four drinks per person during our three-hour party, which means we’ll need five bottles of soda or three gallons of juice or a mix of both to total 48 servings.

How many bottles of soda do you need for a party?

That comes out to four drinks per person during our three-hour party , which means we’ll need five bottles of soda or three gallons of juice or a mix of both to total 48 servings. How do you calculate drinks for a party? During a party , plan one bottle for every two guests.

How much soda do I need for a 100 person wedding?

How much soda do I need for a 100 person wedding? Alcohol Amount Club soda 9 liters Cola 14 liters Diet cola 12 liters Ginger ale 7 liters

How many ounces of alcohol to drink at a party?

Beer: Estimate that guests will drink about 12 ounces (one bottle) every half hour to hour during the party . Cocktails : Allow 1-1/2 ounces of liquor for each drink . A 750-milliliter bottle (fifth) makes about 16 drinks .

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