Users' questions

What is a structural adaptation of a saltwater crocodile?

What is a structural adaptation of a saltwater crocodile?

Crocodiles have muscular flaps that help them to close their ears and nostrils. Additionally, crocodiles and alligators have a cartilaginous flap attached to the back of the tongue. This flap functions to keep water from entering the animal’s lungs or stomach when the mouth is open underwater.

What is a crocodile behavioral adaptations?

Crocodiles have developed behaviors to control their body thermostat: they bask in the sun when cool and seek shade or water when hot. Ectotherms like crocs don’t need to eat regularly to warm their bodies, and so they save an enormous amount of energy that can be put to other use or stored for later.

Do crocodiles scent mark?

From an immobilized crocodile, he carefully extracts secretions from two button-shaped glands near its tail and under its jaw. “We think the scents emitted by the glands near the tail are used to attract mates. Those in the throat probably mark territories,” Weldon says.

What is the difference between structural and physiological adaptation?

An adaptation is a characteristic of an organism that improves its chances of surviving and/or reproducing. Physiological – a body process that helps an organism to survive/reproduce. Structural – a feature of an organism’s body that helps it to survive/reproduce.

Why do crocodiles stink?

Olfaction. Crocodilian sense of smell is also very well developed, aiding them to detect prey or animal carcasses that are either on land or in water, from far away. It is possible that crocodiles use olfaction in the egg prior to hatching.

Are crocodiles intelligent?

Recent studies have found that crocodiles and their relatives are highly intelligent animals capable of sophisticated behavior such as advanced parental care, complex communication and use of tools for hunting. New research shows just how sophisticated their hunting techniques can be.

What are some of the adaptations of a crocodile?

Some adaptations of the crocodile include the ability to regulate its metabolism, its strong stomach, its armored body and its keen senses.

Why do crocodiles lay out in the Sun with their mouths open?

But their mouths act like built-in thermostats that let them control their body temperature, much like the way you can control the temperature in your house. To do this, crocodiles lay out in the sun with their mouths wide open. This is called gaping. It lets them keep their body temperature at a constant and comfortable temperature.

Is it true that crocodiles cannot control their body temperature?

True | False 2. Crocodiles are warm-blooded animals that cannot control their body temperature. True | False 3. Carnivores, such as crocodiles, hunt and eat other animals as the main part of its diet. True | False 4.

Which is the correct statement about a crocodile?

False, because the correct statement is: The position of a crocodile’s ears, eyes, and nose allow them to lie low in the water, almost totally submerged and hidden from prey. False, because the correct statement is: A crocodile eats its prey whole and will tear down the flesh by spinning its body.

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