Users' questions

What is an example of erroneous conscience?

What is an example of erroneous conscience?

right or erroneous conscience example. For example, an individual may have a merely probable opinion which he neglects to verify, (through laziness or fear of discovering that he is in fact in error), although he is able to do so.

Is my conscience lax erroneous or doubtful?

Conscience is correct or erroneous; certain or doubtful; scrupulous or lax. An erroneous conscience dictates falsely — i.e., contrary to objective and binding law — through ignorance of that law.

What are the 3 types of conscience?

Terms in this set (7)

  • correct conscience. tells us when something is a good choice or a bad choice and that this decision is in agreement with what that thing.
  • erroneous conscience.
  • certain conscience.
  • doubtful conscience.
  • lax conscience.
  • scrupulous sin.
  • delicate conscience.

What is the meaning of scrupulous conscience?

1 : having moral integrity : acting in strict regard for what is considered right or proper.

What is an example of conscience?

The definition of conscience is a personal awareness of right and wrong that you use to guide your actions to do right. An example of conscience is the personal ethics that keep you from cheating on an exam.

What are the types of conscience?

Certain conscience means convinced without any doubt that an action is good or bad. Doubtful conscience means when you cannot choose between good and bad choices….Assistant Professor

  • Correct conscience.
  • Erroneous conscience.
  • Certain conscience.
  • Doubtful conscience.
  • Lax conscience.
  • Scrupulous conscience.
  • Delicate conscience.

What are the six types of conscience?

What are the dangers of lax conscience?


  • The effects of a lax conscience are especially harmful.
  • The lax conscience or rather the intellect with a tendency to laxity judges without sufficient reason that a certain action is not, or is only slightly, sinful.

What’s a lack of conscience?

Sociopathy is chiefly characterized as something severely wrong with one’s conscience; psychopathy is characterized as a complete lack of conscience regarding others. Some professionals describe people with this constellation of symptoms as “stone cold” to the rights of others.

What is a good conscience?

If you say that you cannot do something in all conscience, in good conscience, or in conscience, you mean that you cannot do it because you think it is wrong. She could not, in good conscience, back out on her deal with him.

What are the 4 types of conscience?

Assistant Professor

  • Correct conscience.
  • Erroneous conscience.
  • Certain conscience.
  • Doubtful conscience.
  • Lax conscience.
  • Scrupulous conscience.
  • Delicate conscience.

What are the two types of conscience?

Conscience can be broken down into two categories:

  • Good Conscience.
  • Guilty Conscience.

What does it mean to have a lax conscience?

In summary, a “lax conscience” does what is convenient versus obeying God’s law, consequently the person committing venial and mortal sins by his actions. The “lax conscience” is a “careless person” who does not care about the fact that God is offended.

What are some examples of freedom of conscience?

Freedom of conscience is problematic because it’s perfectly possible for people’s consciences to insist on actions that most of consider harmful to other human beings—such as refusing to vaccinate their children. There are several traditional arguments in favor of freedom of conscience:

What does it mean to have a conscience?

Conscience is a person’s moral sense of right and wrong, viewed as acting as a guide to one’s behaviour. Conscience judges the morality of an action, how it is performed, and its consequences. judges something incorrectly, when something is bad you think its good and when its good you think its bad

Who are people who believe in the sacred truth of conscience?

Bertrand Russel cuts to the heart of the problem with everyday notions about the sacred truth of conscience. People who were certain they knew the moral truth and followed their conscience have included members of the Spanish Inquisition, the Crusaders, the Nazis, and most terrorists.

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