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What is Aphaeresis linguistics?
In phonetics and phonology, apheresis (/əˈfɛrɪsɪs, əˈfɪərɪsɪs/; British English: aphaeresis) is the loss of a word-initial vowel producing a new form called aphetism (e.g. American > ‘Merican).
What does apheresis mean?
Listen to pronunciation. (a-feh-REE-sis) A procedure in which blood is collected, part of the blood such as platelets or white blood cells is taken out, and the rest of the blood is returned to the donor.
What is an example of an Apocope?
“Photo” is a classic example of an apocope; the full, original word is “photograph.” People used to watch moving pictures; now we watch “movies.” And, if you think apocope words, otherwise known as apocopations, are old news, they’re totes not (totes = totally).
How is apheresis performed?
How is apheresis performed? All apheresis procedures involve directing the blood in the patient/donor’s veins through tubing to a machine that separates the blood components. The separation is done by either a centrifuge process or a filtration process on the blood in the machine.
What is apheresis procedure?
The process of apheresis involves removal of whole blood from a patient or donor. Within an instrument that is essentially designed as a centrifuge, the components of whole blood are separated. One of the separated portions is then withdrawn and the remaining components are retransfused into the patient or donor.
Why is apocope used?
The apocope is the loss of one or more sounds at the end of a word. These sounds can be vowels, consonants or syllables. The apocope can be used with adjectives, indefinite articles, indefinite adjectives and pronouns, and with nouns used as titles and followed by proper nouns.
What is Degemination and example?
degemination (countable and uncountable, plural degeminations) (phonetics, uncountable) The inverse process of gemination, when a spoken long consonant is pronounced for an audibly shorter period. (countable) A particular instance of such change.
Does apheresis hurt?
After the separation, the desired component of the blood is removed, while the remainder of the blood components are reinfused back into the patient. The entire procedure is painless and typically takes about two hours, or only slightly longer than a conventional blood donation.
Which is an example of apheresis in a sentence?
Definition of apheresis : withdrawal of blood from a donor’s body, removal of one or more blood components (such as plasma, platelets, or white blood cells), and transfusion of the remaining blood back into the donor — called also pheresis Examples of apheresis in a Sentence
Why do people have to have apheresis done?
Apheresis is usually performed either because one part of a patient’s blood is causing health problems or because a donor wishes to donate one needed blood component. Blood platelets, which are extracted via plateletpheresis. When a person’s blood has a high platelet count, for example, it can lead to an increase in the risk of blood clots.
Are there any side effects to giving apheresis?
As with regular blood donations, apheresis is generally painless, though there may be some side effects, such as discomfort in the arm where the needle is inserted, lightheadedness, sweating, or a drop in blood pressure.
Which is the best example of aphaeresis in English?
Also spelled apheresis. Adjective: aphetic. Also called syllabic loss or initial vowel loss. Common examples of aphaeresis include round (from around), specially (from especially), and spy (from espy).