Users' questions

What is not one of the benefits of wetlands within the Chesapeake Bay watershed?

What is not one of the benefits of wetlands within the Chesapeake Bay watershed?

What is not one of the benefits of wetlands within the Chesapeake Bay watershed? Cause eutrophication to help species thrive. Which is not a common economic draw to estuaries? What organization within the US government keeps track of estuary restoration projects?

Are there wetlands in the Chesapeake Bay?

What Are Wetlands? The Chesapeake Bay receives half of its water from the Atlantic Ocean and the other half from an intricate network of hundreds of thousands of miles of creeks, streams, and rivers and 1.5 million acres of wetlands.

Why are these wetlands important?

Wetlands function as natural sponges that trap and slowly release surface water, rain, snowmelt, groundwater and flood waters. The holding capacity of wetlands helps control floods and prevents water logging of crops.

Why are forests and marshes important to the health of the Bay?

These habitats also keep the Bay clean and healthy: Marshes and forest buffers can trap runoff and slow the flow of pollution into rivers and streams. Wetlands can dampen storm surges, protecting shorelines from erosion and properties from floods.

How are we destroying wetlands?

Human activities cause wetland degradation and loss by changing water quality, quantity, and flow rates; increasing pollutant inputs; and changing species composition as a result of disturbance and the introduction of nonnative species.

Why is the health of the Chesapeake Bay so important?

It’s wetlands protect communities from extreme weather such as erosion, flood waters and storm surges. And the trees that sprawl from the Bay shores and forests cool our communities. As an interconnected system, the health of the Bay impacts the health of regions far and wide, including the people in them.

How is the Chesapeake Bay Program helping wetlands?

The Chesapeake Bay Program has a long history of working to protect and restore wetlands in the Bay region. There are five definitions scientists use to track wetland restoration: Establishment is creating a wetland where one did not previously exist. Re-establishment is returning a former wetland to its natural, historic state.

How is the Chesapeake Bay affected by pollution?

As forests and wetlands have been replaced by farms, cities, and suburbs to accommodate a growing population, nitrogen and phosphorus pollution to the Chesapeake Bay has greatly increased. Poor water quality has negatively affected important species such as submerged bay grasses, blue crab, oysters, and fish species.

What kind of habitat does the Chesapeake Bay have?

Forests create habitat: Forests provide food, shelter, nesting sites, and safe migration paths for critters in the water and on land Only 40% of Chesapeake forests are considered interior habitat Many insects, small mammals, and birds can be found foraging and living among the decomposing logs, stumps, and leaves on the forest floor

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