Users' questions

What is special about pohutukawa?

What is special about pohutukawa?

Pohutukawa have the ability to sprout root systems as and where needed. These adventitious roots form out of trunks and branches; and are able to grow in air over surfaces as they search for crevices, pockets of soil and moisture.

Is the pohutukawa native to NZ?

Pōhutukawa and rātā are known as New Zealand’s native Christmas tree because of the bright red blooms which decorate the trees during the Christmas season. There are two native pōhutukawa (mainland and Kermadec) and six species of rata vine, a shrub and three tree rātā.

What tree is known as the New Zealand Christmas tree?

The blazing red flowers of pōhutukawa around Christmas time have earned this tree the title of New Zealand’s Christmas tree. Pōhutukawa and rātā belong to the genus Metrosideros.

What does a pohutukawa symbolize?

The pohutukawa tree is a New Zealand icon with deep spiritual meaning for Māori, connecting the beginning and ending of human life. In Māori mythology, the red fiowers represent the blood of the warrior Tawhaki, a spirit ancestor who showed the way from earth to heaven but fell and died in doing so.

Do Native plants attract native birds?

Native plants and shrubs are the best way to attract native birds to your garden. They can provide shelter, food, and nesting places in your backyard. Any garden can be made more attractive to wildlife, even if it is only small. Grow native trees and shrubs that provide nectar, seeds, or berries.

Is pohutukawa a boy?

“The oldest [star] in the cluster is a female, her name is Pohutukawa, this is the star that is connected to the dead; Matariki’s first sign of the year is to the dead. This is the star that carries the dead across the sky during the year.”

How old is the oldest pohutukawa?

In the tiny coastal settlement of Te Araroa you’ll find Te Waha-o-Rerekohu, New Zealand’s oldest and largest pōhutukawa tree. It’s around 600 years old, and stands proudly in the grounds of the local school.

Are pohutukawa trees poisonous?

They are rapid shade producers, so excellent for providing shade for other trees to grow under. Maori people are reported to have eaten ngaio fruit, but the leaves and fruit are actually poisonous, containing a liver toxin, with the leaves being the most toxic.

Do they have Christmas trees in New Zealand?

New Zealanders have their own special Christmas trees While New Zealanders still erect a classic real or fake pine Christmas tree inside their homes, the pohutukawa tree found in parks, by beaches and in forests around the country often feature on festive cards and in poems and songs.

What is the English name for pohutukawa?

Metrosideros excelsa
Metrosideros excelsa, commonly known as pōhutukawa (Māori: pōhutukawa), New Zealand Christmas tree, New Zealand Christmas bush, and iron tree, is a coastal evergreen tree in the myrtle family, Myrtaceae, that produces a brilliant display of red (or occasionally orange, yellow or white) flowers, each consisting of a …

What did Maori use pohutukawa for?

The Maori made some use of the wood of pohutukawa; mainly for small implements, paddles and mauls. Early Europeans used pohutukawa extensively for the curved members of boat frames and its numbers were greatly reduced in areas adjacent to boat building yards.

How do I attract native birds to New Zealand?

10 tips for attracting native birds to your garden

  1. Encourage insects.
  2. Don’t put out bread for birds.
  3. Instead put out sugar-water.
  4. Plant trees away from windows.
  5. Keep the birds safe.
  6. Plant flowers that provide food in winter.
  7. Make sure they have something to drink.
  8. Reduce risk from cats.

What kind of tree is pohutukawa in New Zealand?

The pohutukawa tree, Metrosideros excelsa, is endemic to New Zealand and a member of the Myrtaceae tree family, a group noted for their showy, fluffy flowers.

Why are pohutukawa so cool when they are blooming?

Pohutukawa are so cool when they are blooming. When I first moved to New Zealand several years ago I was quickly blown away by the amazing landscapes. This country is full of gorgeous beaches, cliffs, mountains, and lots of rivers. I soon began noticing some huge, gnarled trees all along the coasts of the North Island.

Why are there so many weeds on pohutukawa Island?

Weeds and grasses often prevent regeneration by smothering young seedlings. DOC works closely with other agencies such as Project Crimson to restore rātā and pōhutukawa habitat on the mainland through education and revegetation programmes.

What makes a pohutukawa different from a rata?

It is easily distinguished from rātā by the hairs on the underside of the leaves. Pōhutukawa and rātā hold a prominent place in Maori mythology. Legends tell of the young Maori warrior, Tawhaki and his attempt to find help in heaven to avenge his father’s death. He subsequently fell to earth and the crimson flowers are said to represent his blood.

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