Users' questions

What is the ability to sustain physical activity?

What is the ability to sustain physical activity?

Stamina is the mental and physical ability to sustain an activity for a long period. When people talk about stamina, they often use it to refer to the feeling of being peppy or energetic while doing an activity. Endurance refers to your body’s physical capability to sustain an exercise for an extended period.

What is the ability to sustain an activity or to last long in an activity?

Muscular Endurance: the ability to efficiently use muscles over a longer period of time. The ability of a muscle to repeatedly contract or sustain continuous contraction involving less than maximum force. Muscular endurance can be tested by performing the one minute sit-up test or push-up test.

What is Fitt Principle?

The FITT principles are an exercise prescription to help participants understand how long and how hard they should exercise. FITT is acronym that stands for Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Type. FITT can be applied to exercise in general or specific components of exercise. Time: 30-60 minutes per day.

What does Fitt stand for?

frequency, intensity, time, and type
FITT (frequency, intensity, time, and type) is one way to remember the general guidelines for what should be included in a fitness plan.

What HRF components is sit-ups?

Muscular endurance refers to the ability of the muscle to work over an extended period of time without fatigue. Performing push- ups and sit-ups or crunches for one minute is commonly used in fitness testing of muscular endurance.

Which is a large proportion of unit level activities?

B.a large proportion of unit-level activities and fairly identical consumption ratios among product lines. C.a large proportion of unit-level activities and widely varying consumption ratios among product lines. D.a large proportion of nonunit-level activities.

What do you need to know about program sustainability?

Program sustainability actually means different things depending on the developmental stage of your program. Newer programs may want to concentrate on sustaining their activities or infrastructure once initial funding ends.

What is the definition of sustainability in HUD?

Ultimately, sustainability involves learning from experience (ongoing evaluation), making decisions about which elements of the program to sustain, selecting the right strategies, and using the right tools to build support for your program.

What does the CDC guide for sustainability do?

The Guide provides a process for sustaining policy strategies and related activi- ties, introduces various approaches to sustainability, and demonstrates sustainability planning in action with real-life examples.

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