
What is the difference between a granite and a rhyolite?

What is the difference between a granite and a rhyolite?

The difference between them is that rhyolite is an intrusive igneous rock whereas granite is an extrusive igneous rock. Granite is formed when magma cools down deep inside the earth crust. It is an intrusive igneous rock. It has large crystals and is thus called coarse-grained.

Is granite and rhyolite properly paired?

Igneous rocks are categorized in pairs. The two rocks in a pair have the same composition but different textures: gabbro-basalt, diorite-andesite, and granite-rhyolite.

Can granite ever be transformed into rhyolite?

Eruptions of granitic magma can produce rhyolite, pumice, obsidian, or tuff. These rocks have similar compositions but different cooling conditions.

What are the similarities and differences between rhyolite and granite?

Both are igneous rocks that have the same composition. Granite forms deep beneath the surface and therefore is coarse-grained. Rhyolite forms at much shallower depths and thus is fine-grained.

Is granite a rhyolite?

Rhyolite is extrusive equivalent of granite magma. It is composed predominantly of quartz, K–feldspar and biotite. It may have any texture from glassy, aphanitic, porphyritic, and by the orientation of small crystals reflecting the lava flow.

What do granite and rhyolite have in common?

Granite is plutonic and rhyolite is volcanic. They have very similar compositions but one is erupted onto Earth’s surface and the other crystallises at depth. As a result, plutonic rocks are coarse-grained and volcanic rocks are fine-grained.

What do rhyolite and granite have in common group of answer choices?

These rocks are composed of the minerals quartz and feldspar. Rhyolite and granite are the two most common types of acidic rock. They also contain potassium and plagioclase feldspar with a small amount of quartz. Diorite and Andesite are the two most common types of intermediate rock.

What is rhyolite used for today?

Rhyolite is suitable as aggregate, fill-in construction, building material and road industries, decorative rock in landscaping, cutting tool, abrasive and jewelry.

What characteristics do granite and rhyolite have in common?

Both are igneous rocks that have the same composition. Granite forms deep beneath the surface and therefore is coarse-grained. Rhyolite forms at much shallower depths and thus is fine-grained. As a result, the rock undergoes structural and compositional changes.

What can rhyolite turn into?

The mineral assemblage is predominantly quartz, sanidine, and plagioclase. It is the extrusive equivalent to granite. Magma with the composition of rhyolite is extremely viscous, due to its high silica content….Rhyolite.

Secondary Biotite and hornblende

How are granite and rhyolite the same and how are they?

Summary: Granite is plutonic and rhyolite is volcanic. They have very similar compositions but one is erupted onto Earth’s surface and the other crystallises at depth. As a result, plutonic rocks are coarse-grained and volcanic rocks are fine-grained.

What kind of minerals are found in rhyolite?

Rhyolite is composed principally of quartz and feldspar minerals, and traces of biotite, plagioclase, mica, amphibiotes, and pyroxenes. It resembles granite in mineral composition, although granite is an intrusive igneous rock. Rhyolite is of a glassy texture and its colors may vary from white to gray to light gray.

What makes rhyolite different from other felsic rocks?

Characteristics and Properties Rhyolite rocks bear a striking resemblance to granite, due to being classified as felsic rocks, except that rhyolite has a fine-grained texture with phenocrysts, which are small crystals sometimes embedded within the rock.

Is the mineral muscovite in granite or rhyolite?

Although granite and rhyolite are chemically similar, granite often contains the mineral muscovite. Muscovite is rarely found in rhyolite. Rhyolite may contain much more of the element potassium than sodium, but this imbalance is uncommon in granite.

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