
What is the falling action in the story Cinderella?

What is the falling action in the story Cinderella?

Prince Charming took Cinderella by the hand and made her his bride. The falling action comes after the climax of the story. The falling action includes the events after the climax that bring the story to the resolution. Cinderella went to live with Prince Charming in the beautiful castle on the hill.

What is the rising action of 1984 by George Orwell?

The rising action includes Winston’s infatuation and affair with Julia and his diary entries. The climax is when Winston and Julia are arrested by the Thought Police, and the falling action is when Winston is tortured at the Ministry of Love.

What is exposition rising action?

The exposition usually occurs at the beginning of a novel or story and may be short or long. Rising action includes the series of events (usually the conflicts or struggles of the protagonist) that increase tension, propel the plot forward, and lead to the climax of the story.

Where is the climax of 1984?

The climax of the story occurs when Winston and Julia are caught and arrested by the Thought Police. This takes place in the last chapter of the second part of the novel. From the moment of their capture, their fate is doomed. They are punished for plotting against and breaking the rules imposed by the Party.

What is the climax of 1984?

The novel’s climax comes when Winston’s free will, represented by his love for Julia, is directly challenged by the Party, and he must choose between Julia and Big Brother, between individuality and conformity. In the novel’s final chilling moments, Winston reflects on how foolish he had been.

What is meant by rising action?

noun. a related series of incidents in a literary plot that build toward the point of greatest interest. Compare falling action.

What happens at the end of a rising action?

The rising action ends with the climax. Most of the tension and suspense that get built up over the course of the rising action are dispelled during the climax. Therefore, one good way to identify a story’s rising action is to identify the climax. Since the climax dispels the tension that was built up during the rising action,

What does it mean when a story is a rising action?

In other words, most of the story is rising action, which is often case. Some additional key details about rising action: The rising action follows the part of the plot known as the exposition (in which the world of the story and its characters are established), and precedes the climax.

Which is the opposite of a rising action?

Every story has a section that can be described as the “rising action,” even if the story has an unconventional narrative or plot structure. The opposite of rising action is falling action, the phase of a story following the climax in which the main conflict is de-escalated and tension is further dispelled.

Which is a good way to identify a rising action?

Most of the tension and suspense that get built up over the course of the rising action are dispelled during the climax. Therefore, one good way to identify a story’s rising action is to identify the climax.

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