
What is the falling action of the story of Cinderella?

What is the falling action of the story of Cinderella?

At the story’s most climactic moment – Cinderella’s turn to try the slipper – the story reaches its highest tension. The prince’s recognition of Cinderella begins the story’s falling action, leading to its resolution: their wedding and happily ever after.

What is the resolution in Cinderella?

Resolution in Cinderella Cinderella and the prince get married and live happily ever after.

What is the falling action of a story example?

Examples of Falling Action: Two friends fight over a boy (climax), but then after their tempers cool, they decide to talk through the problem instead of fighting.

What happens at falling action?

The falling action of a story is the section of the plot following the climax, in which the tension stemming from the story’s central conflict decreases and the story moves toward its conclusion. The falling action follows the climax, or the moment of peak tension in the story.

What is the rising and falling action of a story?

Rising Action: The main character (protagonist) reacts to the initiating event by taking steps to achieve a goal or resolve a problem. Falling Action: The action falls immediately after the turning point. Events that occur in the falling action are the after- effects or consequences of the climax.

How do you do a falling action?

Falling action occurs right after the climax, when the main problem of the story resolves. It is one of the elements of the plot of the story, the other elements being exposition, rising action, climax, and resolution. Falling action wraps up the narrative, resolves its loose ends, and leads toward the closure.

How do you use falling action in a sentence?

falling action in a sentence

  1. We always saw this in terms of rising and falling action,
  2. The falling action is when her mother, Martine, also comes to Haiti.
  3. A man dressed as a woman was thought to be a falling action only suited to broad low comedy and burlesque.

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