
What is the synonym and antonym of carelessly?

What is the synonym and antonym of carelessly?

ˈkɛrlɛs) Marked by lack of attention or consideration or forethought or thoroughness; not careful. Antonyms. cautious carelessness concerned attentive profound careful diligent prudent. superficial negligent imprudent slapdash unconcerned inattentive. careless (English)

Is careless a synonym or antonym?

1 inattentive, incautious, unwary, indiscreet, reckless. 2 inaccurate, negligent. 3 unthoughtful, unmindful. 4 thoughtless, forgetful; inconsiderate.

What’s the opposite of carelessly?

What is the opposite of carelessly?

cautiously carefully
thoughtfully watchfully
guardedly vigilantly
warily discreetly
gingerly prudently

What are the synonyms for hastily?

synonyms for hastily

  • carelessly.
  • nimbly.
  • prematurely.
  • promptly.
  • quickly.
  • speedily.
  • suddenly.
  • swiftly.

What does careless words mean?

Careless words are those that are spoken rashly. They lack wise consideration and are often impulsive, thoughtless, and insensitive.

What is capricious ly?

/kəˈprɪʃ.ə in a way that changes suddenly and unexpectedly: The rules were enforced capriciously. She was capriciously fired after only two days on the job.

What is another word for carelessly?

care′less·ly adv. care′less·ness n. Synonyms: careless, heedless, thoughtless, inadvertent. These adjectives apply to people who perform actions marked by insufficient care or attention or to the actions themselves.

What is another word for carelessness?

carelessness, sloppiness(noun) the quality of not being careful or taking pains. Synonyms: slovenliness, soupiness, unkemptness, neglect, sentimentality, muddiness, nonperformance, mawkishness, wateriness, mushiness, sloppiness, drippiness, negligence.

What is the antonym of careless?

Antonyms for (adjective) careless. Main entry: careless. Definition: marked by lack of attention or consideration or forethought or thoroughness; not careful. Usage: careless about her clothes; forgotten by some careless person; a careless housekeeper; careless proofreading; it was a careless mistake; hurt by a careless remark. Antonyms: careful.

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