
What jobs are in demand in Finland?

What jobs are in demand in Finland?

In the European tech sector currently, the most in-demand workers are software engineers. In Finland, approximately 66% of the overall work offers are in that field. Also, engineers tend to experience less competition in the job market, compared to other industries.

What is the main work in Finland?

Finland’s job market has traditionally been dominated by manufacturing, with its main exports including machinery, paper and wood products, electrical equipment, optical equipment and vehicles. The country’s technology and IT industry has now become its biggest sector and it is regarded as a major European tech hub.

What are Finland jobs like?

Finnish weekly working hours are the same as the European Union average. Around 10% work a short week (less than 34 hours), and about 50% work a normal working week (35-40 hours). However, about one third of this category works 41 to 49 hours per week; and one sixth works over 50 hours per week.

What is the highest paying job in Finland?

The highest paid Finland are Executive Management & Change professionals at $204,000 annually. The lowest paid Finland are Data professionals at $50,000.

Is it easy to get job in Finland?

But one the most vital ones is finding a job once we get there. Finland isn’t exactly the easiest country to move into and part of that -aside from the climate- is the fact that the language is like no other in the world.

Can I work in Finland without speaking Finnish?

In the big cities in southern Finland, it is not a very big problem if you do not speak Finnish. You can survive with English. However, it is impossible to integrate into the society without knowing Finnish. In addition, if you want to get a job in Finland, you must have adequate Finnish language skills.

What jobs are in Finland?

Today, most employed persons in Finland work in the service sector. The sectors employing the largest number of people are commerce, transport, hotel and catering services, education, health and social services and other services. Employment in the service industry is furthermore set to increase in the future.

Can I move to Finland without job?

If you are self-employed, you can go ahead and apply for a residence permit. However, if your move to Finland is based on employment, then you need to have a job before you can apply for a residence permit. Generally speaking, foreigners must apply for a residence permit at the Finnish embassy in their home countries.

Which is the highest paying job in Finland?

Below is however, a classification of the top paying jobs in Finland in gross salaries: General Practitioner – GPs average salary is about 5,100 Euros a month, with women earning somewhat less at around 4,340 Euros a month.

What’s the average salary of a dentist in Finland?

Currently, there is a high demand of healthcare professionals in Finland and shortage of nurses. Find your next healthcare role before moving to Finland. Dentist – Male dentists make 4,960 Euros on average while their female counterparts receive around 300 Euros less.

How much does a general practitioner make in Finland?

General Practitioner – GPs average salary is about 5,100 Euros a month, with women earning somewhat less at around 4,340 Euros a month. Currently, there is a high demand of healthcare professionals in Finland and shortage of nurses. Find your next healthcare role before moving to Finland.

How much does an accountant make in Finland?

Accountant – Accountants in Finland average just over 4,660 Euros per month while their female colleagues are around 640 Euros a month worse off. Engineer – Male engineers average around 4,100 Euros a month; women receive around 3,940 Euros.

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