
What kind of cells do kelp have?

What kind of cells do kelp have?

Kelp stores food in laminarin. In some types of kelp such as bull kelp, three different kinds of tissues reside in the leaf-like blades. These include the central medulla, the cortex with its large cells, and the meristoderm with small cells. As for reproductive cells, kelp possesses sperm and spores.

What is the structure of kelp?

In most kelp, the thallus (or body) consists of flat or leaf-like structures known as blades. Blades originate from elongated stem-like structures, the stipes. The holdfast, a root-like structure, anchors the kelp to the substrate of the ocean.

Is kelp multicellular or unicellular?

The giant kelp is a multicellular protist, even though most protists exist as unicellular organisms. Although the kelp is a multicellular protist, it’s still not considered a plant. Kelps lack the complexity of plant cell and tissue structures that carry water and nutrients.

Which of the following are parts of a kelp organism?

The parts of the kelp are the blade, gas bladder, stipe, and holdfast.

What are kelp and give two examples?

The male gametophyte produces and releases sperm that will fertilize the ovum from a female gametophyte. The union of these gametes will give rise to a sporophyte that produces spores when mature. Examples of kelps are those from the genera Macrocystis and Nereocystis.

Is giant kelp a plant or protist?

Though it resembles a tall grass, giant kelp is not a plant. Instead, it is a brown alga and is part of the large kingdom of life known as the Protista. Most protists are single-celled organisms, but the giant kelp is a complex species and is the largest protist in the world.

What are two main types of kelp?

Gas bladders (pneumatocysts) keep the top parts of the kelp afloat. Two kinds of kelp grow on the eastern Pacific coast: giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) and bull kelp (Nereocystis leutkeana). Giant kelp, a perennial, has a pneumatocyst on each blade. Giant kelp has been known to live as much as seven years.

Is the giant kelp a plant or a unicellular organism?

The giant kelp is a multicellular protist, even though most protists exist as unicellular organisms. Although the kelp is a multicellular protist, it’s still not considered a plant. Kelps lack the complexity of plant cell and tissue structures that carry water and nutrients.

How are kelp plants attached to the seafloor?

In fact, they don’t even have roots, instead, they are attached to rocky seafloors by a structure called a holdfast. This allows them to absorb nutrients through all parts of their tissues, unlike plants that primarily use their roots. The constant flow of water provides a continuous supply of nutrients that can be absorbed by the kelps.

What makes up the chloroplast of brown algae?

Another structure inside the chloroplast is the thylakoids which exist in stacks of three, a unique feature in brown algae, and is the site for the light reaction of photosynthesis. Laminarin vesicles contain laminarin, which is the polysaccharide form of glucose that brown algae stores its sugars in.

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