
What was the average salary in 1922?

What was the average salary in 1922?

65.7 cents in 1922, and average full-time earnings per week were $37.05 in 1928, $36.37 in 1925, and $32.92 in 1922.

What was the wage in 1920?

Wages in 1920 In 1920, the Internal Revenue Service reports, the average income was $3,269.40 per year.

How much did a factory worker make in 1920?

The Tirocchi workforce during those last three months of 1920 fell into three categories: six workers at the top of the pay scale earned from 28 to 40 cents an hour; four in the middle range earned about 17 cents an hour; and three at the bottom earned from nine to eleven cents.

What is the average salary in 2020?

Average Full Time Ordinary Time Earnings Q2 2020

State Average Annual Wage
Queensland $88,317
Victoria $91,208
Northern Territory $92,138
New South Wales $93,236

How much did a car cost in 1920?

The Model-T (the first cheap car) cost $850 in 1908. When you adjust for inflation, that is about $22000 now. However, it must be added that the cost of that dwindled to $260 by 1920 (about $3500 now)[2].

How much did a car cost in 1922?

Chandler 7-Sedan $525
Chevrolet, Superior 5-Touring $860
Chevrolet, Superior 5-Sedan $1,395
Chevrolet, FB-40 5-Sedan $885

What was the minimum wage in the United States in 1972?

In the year 1972, the United States minimum wage was $1.60. This is equivalent to $10.14 in 2021

When did the movement for a minimum wage start?

In the United States, where the movement for a minimum wage followed an 1877 railroad strike, the struggle heated up in the 1910s. The minimum wage around this time was becoming an important part of progressive electoral platforms.

How are wages organized in the 1920s in the US?

Jump directly to years: 1922-1923, 1924-1925, 1926-1927 and 1928. Occupations are organized under industries, such as bakery trades, building trades, etc. The wage tables continue for more than a hundred pages in each of these volumes.

Who was exempt from federal minimum wage in 1966?

Subsequent amendments extended overage to the remaining Federal, State and local government employees who were not protected in 1966, to certain workers in retail and service trades previously exempted, and to certain domestic workers in private household employment.

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