
What was the average wage in the 1940s?

What was the average wage in the 1940s?

The median income for a man in 1940 was $956. Seventy years later, the median income was $33,276. Women in 1940 earned 62 cents for every dollar a man earned.

What was the average household income in 1942?

Of course, the average American’s yearly income in 1942 was $1,885, so $420 was a big chunk of change in those days.

What is the average income in Germany?

The average monthly gross income of households in Germany amounted to 4,734 euros in 2019, according to results of the continuous household budget surveys. Earnings from employment (65%) were the main source of income. An average amount of 3,063 euros per month was received from dependent employment or self-employment.

What was the average wage in 1946?

The Price of Life in the United States: 1946 vs. 2006

Item 1946 2006
Federal Minimum Hourly Wage $0.40 $5.15
Average Annual Income $2,600 $37,900
House $5,150 $266,000
Monthly Rent $35 $950

What was a good yearly salary in 1940?

What was a good salary in the 1940s? The median income for a man in 1940 was $956. Seventy years later, the median income was $33,276. Women in 1940 earned 62 cents for every dollar a man earned.

What was a good salary in 1945?

The median total money income of urban and rural-nonfarm families and individuals in pri- vate households shifted slightly upward from 1944 to 1946. The figures were $2,410 in 1944, $2,595 in 1945, and $2,659 in 1946.

How much did stuff cost in 1940?

How much was a loaf of bread in the 1940s? How much did stuff cost in 1944? How much was a mansion in 1940? What was the average salary in 1944?…How much was a loaf of bread in the 1940s?

YEAR Cost of 1 lb. of Bread Federal Minimum Wage
1940 $0.10 $0.30
1950 $0.12 $0.75
1960 $0.23 $1.00
1970 $0.25 $1.60

How much was the minimum wage in 1940?

Actual minimum wage (2016$)
1938 $ 3.67
1939 $ 4.46
1940 $ 4.43
1941 $ 4.22

Where can I find wages for the 1940’s?

The index to the U.S. Dept of Labor Monthly Labor Review points to articles and data on 1940s job wages. The “Wages and Hours” entries in this index span pages 186-202. Contact us if you need help tracking these down. IMPORTANT: wages can be only one part of overall income.

What was the population of Germany in 1940?

German Population in 1940: Germany only. 70,700,000+. German Population in 1940: includes Austria, Memeland, Sudetenland and Poland. 89,600,000+. Gender and Age. German Men in 1939: 38,900,000+.

What was the unemployment rate in Germany during the Nazis?

Hitler and Nazipropaganda had played on the population’s fear of no hope. Unemployment peaked at 6 million during the final days of the Weimar Republic – near enough 33% of the nation’s working population.

What was the wage rate in World War 2?

Compares wage rates and hours of work for the WWI and WWII eras, focusing specifically on the manufacturing, mining, railroad, printing and maritime industries, as well as farm labor wages. Discussion puts wage data in context with price levels which were definitely affected by the wars.

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