
What was the Panathenaic Way Where did it begin and end?

What was the Panathenaic Way Where did it begin and end?

This festival was celebrated once every year and started on Athena’s birthday and the anniversary of the battle between the gods and giants. It wound its way from one of the city gates through the market place towards the Acropolis and the Propylaia.

Who could enter the agora?


  • The agora (/ˈæɡərə/; Ancient Greek: ἀγορά agorá) was a central public space in ancient Greek city-states.
  • Early in Greek history (10th–4th centuries BC), free-born citizens would gather in the agora for military duty or to hear statements of the ruling king or council.

Who could attend the Panathenaia?

Athletic Contests All these events, except for the torch and boat races, were held in each of three age categories: boys (12-16), ageneios (16-20), and men (20+) and took place in the Agora until 330 B.C. when a stadium was built in the outskirts of Athens.

Where was the Panathenaic Way?

The Panathenaic Way was the road leading from the main gate of Athens up to the Acropolis and built for the purpose of the great Panathenaia religious festival.

How was Athena honored at the Panathenaea?

Religious festival The Panathenaic festival was formed in order to honor the goddess Athena who had become the patron of Athens after having a competition with the god Poseidon where they were to win the favor of the Athenian people by offering the people gifts.

How old is the agora?

Ancient Agora of Athens

Founded 6th century BC
Periods Classical era
Cultures Ancient Greece
Site notes

What food did they use to coax the creatures to the altar where they would be killed?

The barley seeds were thrown by those not responsible for the killing of the animal, thus ensuring their direct participation rather than mere observer status. The pouring of water on the head forced the animal to “nod” in agreement to the sacrifice.

What is the top of the Parthenon called?

Dedicated to the Greek goddess Athena, the Parthenon sits high atop a compound of temples known as the Acropolis of Athens.

Where does the Panathenaic Way start and end?

It led from the main city gate, the Dipylon, up to the Acropolis, a distance of just over a kilometer, and served as the processional way for the great parade that was a highlight of the Panathenaic festival. Halfway along, it enters the Agora at its northwest corner and passes through the square on a diagonal, exiting at the southeast corner.

What was the Panathenaic Way used for in Agora?

Limestone channel with water basins along the Panathenaic Way. The street was used not only for the procession, but also for chariot races (the apobates) during the Panathenaic festival (Fig. 6).

Why was the Panathenaea important to the Greeks?

The Panathenaea was an ancient and important festival celebrated in the ancient Greek city state of Athens. This festival was held in honor of Athena Polias , the city’s patron goddess, and Erechtheus, the legendary founder of the city. The celebrations included sacrifices, ceremonies, and competitions.

Where was the high point of the Panathenaia?

The procession passed the north side of the Parthenon before stopping at the altar of Athena. Sacrifices were made at the altar of Athena and the peplos, a new garment woven for Athena, was handed over to the Priestess. This was the high point of the Panathenaia. Weaving was a female craft which was normally done in the home.

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