
What were the disadvantages of living in Sparta?

What were the disadvantages of living in Sparta?

Sparta was weak because they had harsh military training for their young, they abused their children, and they lacked in education. Firstly, Sparta had harsh military training for their children.

What are some good things about Sparta?

What are the advantages of Sparta?

  • Strong land army, protection. Sparta advantage.
  • Women could own property. Sparta advantage.
  • Women had freedom. Sparta advantage.
  • Strength/training. Sparta advantage.
  • Possibly could make faster decisions.
  • Democracy.
  • Powerful, able to conquer.
  • Surrounded by hostile city-states.

What was it like to live in Sparta?

Spartan men devoted their lives to military service, and lived communally well into adulthood. A Spartan was taught that loyalty to the state came before everything else, including one’s family. Spartans, who were outnumbered by the Helots, often treated them brutally and oppressively in an effort to prevent uprisings.

What are some cons of Sparta?

The weaknesses weighed Sparta down, so here are some of those weaknesses. Sparta lacked in education, they were too harsh on the children in military training, and the Spartans didn’t allow traveling. To begin with Sparta completely discarded all advanced education.

What was bad about Sparta?

Surrender in battle was the ultimate disgrace. Spartan soldiers were expected to fight without fear and to the last man. Surrender was viewed as the epitome of cowardice, and warriors who voluntarily laid down their arms were so shamed that they often resorted to suicide.

What was Sparta advantage in the Peloponnesian War?

Sparta’s militaristic culture was an essential part of their life and values system. Their military was much stronger than Athens’ and had better training. This was their major advantage.

What are 3 facts about Sparta?

Interesting Facts about Sparta

  • Boys were encouraged to steal food.
  • Spartan men were required to stay fit and ready to fight until the age of 60.
  • The term “spartan” is often used to describe something simple or without comfort.
  • The Spartans considered themselves to be direct descendents of the Greek hero Hercules.

What was life like for initiates in Spartan army?

At age 12, initiates were deprived of all clothing save for a red cloak and forced to sleep outside and make their own beds from reeds. To ready them for a life in the field, the boy soldiers were also encouraged to scavenge and even steal their food, though if detected they were punished with floggings.

What was the Spartan diet and what did they do?

Wine was a staple of the Spartan diet, but they rarely drank to excess and often cautioned their children against drunkenness. In some cases, they would even force Helot slaves to get wildly inebriated as a way of showing young Spartans the negative effects of alcohol. 7. Spartan men were not allowed to live with their wives until age 30.

Why was the agoge so important to the Spartans?

The agoge was partially designed to help make the youths resistant to hardships like cold, hunger and pain, and boys who showed signs of cowardice or timidity were subject to teasing and violence by peers and superiors alike. Even Spartan girls were known to participate in this ritualized hazing.

What was the education like for the Spartan boys?

2. Spartan children were placed in a military-style education program. At the age of 7, Spartan boys were removed from their parents’ homes and began the “agoge,” a state-sponsored training regimen designed to mold them into skilled warriors and moral citizens.

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