
What were the disadvantages of the artillery in ww1?

What were the disadvantages of the artillery in ww1?

Artillery. Artillery was the most destructive weapon on the Western Front. Guns could rain down high explosive shells, shrapnel and poison gas on the enemy and heavy fire could destroy troop concentrations, wire, and fortified positions. Artillery was often the key to successful operations.

What were the advantages of using artillery in ww1?

Artillery bombardments Artillery (heavy guns) played a big part in the battlefields of World War I. A bombardment that was aimed well could destroy enemy trenches, and knock out artillery batteries (groups of guns) and communication lines. It could also help break up an attack by infantry (soldiers on foot).

What advantages and disadvantages did trench warfare pose for soldier?

ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF TRENCH WARFARE There were many advantages and disadvantages to trench warfare. Trenches were easy to make, easy to defend, cheap to build, and don’t need lots of men to defend them. Unfortunately trenches are wet, cold, and hard to get in an out of without being seen by the enemy.

Is a gun a tool or weapon?

Construction workers use tools to build houses. Weapons describe something that can be used to do harm to someone. Guns are a weapon, knives can be a weapon, a baseball bat can be a weapon. A lot of things can be a weapon, but if you say it’s a weapon, that means the purpose of using it will be to do harm to someone.

Why were trenches used in zigzag?

The trench system had a main fire trench or front line. All the trenches were dug in a zig-zag pattern so the enemy couldn’t shoot straight down the line and kill many soldiers. If a mortar, grenade or artillery shell would land in the trench, it would only get the soldiers in that section, not further down the line.

What are the advantages of long range missiles?

The benefits of controlling long-range missiles seem so large that they justify continued serious search for effective ways of controlling these weapons, A worldwide de-alerting program would provide a possibility of freezing the deployment of nuclear-tipped missiles and could lead to data exchange and later negotiated reduction of these weapons.

What are the disadvantages of a long range rifle?

Disadvantages :Accuracy. Before the days of GPS, you relied on aerial reconnaissance before the shelling, and to correct fire during a barrage. Radio was new and unreliable, often the pilots would fly back to their own lines and drop weighted notes with streamers.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear weapons?

The nuclear weapons have a large kill radius against soft and unhardened targets, so, The accuracy is a minor consideration in the delivery system selection as long as the targeting strategy calls for counter value attacks, The nuclear weapons destroy the people and the infrastructure they occupy.

Why was long range artillery used in World War 2?

The primitive radio equipment used by front-line spotters was limited in range, and aerial artillery spotting tended to work better with higher rate-of-fire, higher-accuracy guns. Long range gives the capability to concentrate the fire of lots of widely dispersed batteries onto a target, particularly opportunity targets.

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