
When and how did Marco Polo die?

When and how did Marco Polo die?

Death. Polo died at his home in Venice on January 8, 1324. As he lay dying, friends and fans of his book paid him visits, urging him to admit that his book was fiction.

What were Marco Polo last words?

While Marco Polo’s book may be able to give us a look into what he witnessed in the many foreign places he went to. However, when he died of old age, he parted with the words, “I have not told half of what I saw.”

What did Marco Polo do at 17?

Marco Polo was 17 or 18 when he began his journey from Venice to the farthest reaches of the Mongol empire. Living among the emperor’s dominions, with his father and uncle, as an advisor and emissary for 16 or 17 years, he returned to Venice by way of Hormuz (aboard ship) and Constantinople (overland).

What age did Marco Polo die?

69 years (1254–1324)
Marco Polo/Age at death

Did Marco Polo have a family?

Family, Early Life and Education. Although he was born to a wealthy Venetian merchant family, much of Marco Polo’s childhood was spent parentless, and he was raised by an extended family. Polo’s mother died when he was young, and his father and uncle, successful jewel merchants Niccolo and Maffeo Polo , were in Asia for much of Polo’s youth.

What caused Marco Polo to die?

Marco’s death. Marco died at his home in Venice on January 8, 1324 due to consumption. Consumption was a generic description for anything from cancer to the flu. They simply didn’t knowwhy he died. It’s just that the body was taken over by an illness.

What was Marco Polo’s religion?

religion and geography. Marco Polo was Italian and his religion was Roman Catholic . Polo lived in Venice, Italy anytime when he was not traveling. Marco Polo explored the areas of Asia, Jerusalem, the mountains of the Hindu Kush, Persia, and the Gobi Desert. When Marco Polo was 17 years old, his brothers and himself passed through Armenia, Afghanistan, and the Pamir mountains.

What did Marco Polo do in prison?

Updated July 03, 2019 Marco Polo was an inmate in the Genoese prison at the Palazzo di San Giorgio from 1296 to 1299, arrested for commanding a Venetian galley in a war against Genoa. While there, he told tales of his travels through Asia to his fellow prisoners and the guards alike, and his cellmate Rustichello da Pisa wrote them down.

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