
Where Do British values come from?

Where Do British values come from?

It is rooted in our parliamentary democracy and free press. Our sense of responsibility and the rule of law is attached to our courts and independent judiciary. Our belief in tolerance was won through struggle and is linked to the various churches and faith groups that have come to call Britain home.

What are the values of England?

The five British Values are:

  • Democracy.
  • The rule of law.
  • Individual liberty.
  • Mutual respect.
  • Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs.

Who made the British values?

These values are Democracy, Rule of Law, Respect and Tolerance, Individual Liberty. As part of the Prevent strategy Total People will be promoting Fundamental British Values to reflect life in modern Britain.

When were the British values introduced?

The Prevent Strategy, released in 2011 to combat extremism in the UK, defined “British values” as the promotion of “democracy, rule of law, equality of opportunity, freedom of speech and the rights of all men and women to live free from persecution of any kind”.

What do the 5 British values mean?

British Values Definition The five British Values are democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith.

Why are the 5 British values important?

All have a duty to ‘actively promote’ the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. This ensures young people understand the importance of respect and leave school fully prepared for life in modern Britain.

Why are British values so important?

We see British Values as underpinning what it is to be a citizen in a modern and diverse Britain. They allow us to create environments free from discrimination, intolerance and hate. They help us to challenge prejudice and stereotyping, whilst strengthening relationships within the community.

What is the British culture like?

British culture is influenced by the combined nations’ history; its historically Christian religious life, its interaction with the cultures of Europe, the traditions of England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland, and the impact of the British Empire. British literature is particularly esteemed.

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