
Where were the most expensive seats in the Globe Theater?

Where were the most expensive seats in the Globe Theater?

Lord’s Rooms
The most expensive seats would have been in the ‘Lord’s Rooms’. Admission to the indoor theatres started at 6 pence.

Where did the nobles and gentlemen sit in theatre?

Globe Theatre Interior – the Lords Rooms The Stage Gallery above the Stage Wall was called the ‘ Lord’s rooms ‘ used by the rich members of the audience, the Upper Classes and the Nobility.

What were the best seats in the original Globe Theatre?

The Globe Theatre Lords Rooms were considered the best seats in the ‘house’. They were certainly the most expensive seats but why were they considered the best? The Lords Rooms were situated in the balconies, or galleries, at the back of the stage above the Tiring Rooms.

Where would rich people sit in the Globe theater?

The upper class theatre goers of the Globe Theatre would sit in a section higher called the heavens on cushions. Rich nobles would even pay to sit on the actual stage itself. Since plays ran a very long time, people would get rowdy.

How much did a ticket to the Globe theater cost?

Admission to the indoor theatres started at 6 pence. One penny was only the price of a loaf of bread. Compare that to today’s prices. The low cost was one reason the theatre was so popular.

Where did everyone sit in the Globe?

The upper class theatre goers of the Globe Theatre would sit in a section higher called the heavens on cushions. Rich nobles would even pay to sit on the actual stage itself.

Which were the best seats in the Globe?

The rich paid two pennies for entrance to the galleries, covered seating at the sides. The rich paid three pennies to sit in the higher galleries, which had a better view. The best seats were in the lords’ rooms, private galleries closest to the stage.

How much did a seat cost at the Globe Theatre?

Where did people sit in the Globe Theatre?

Rich people payed a penny to sit on a seat under the rim of the Globe and they payed another penny for a cushion.

What did rich nobles do at the theatre?

Rich nobles would even pay to sit on the actual stage itself. Since plays ran a very long time, people would get rowdy. They would talk, throw vegetables, and even jump up on the stage. The upper class was the best behaved out of all the classes.

How much does it cost to sit in the gallery at the Globe Theatre?

The Rich. The rich would pay an extra penny to sit in the galleries safe from any weather our smell also they would pay an extra two pennys for a cushion or to be in a private room they would pay an extra 5 pennys. It was only the high class clean citizens that go to sit there.

Why did The Groundlings pay extra at the Globe Theatre?

The groundlings had a reputation for being loud and throwing this at the actors they didnt like. The rich would pay an extra penny to sit in the galleries safe from any weather our smell also they would pay an extra two pennys for a cushion or to be in a private room they would pay an extra 5 pennys.

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