
Which placentation is seen in lemon?

Which placentation is seen in lemon?

Axile type
Complete answer: Axile type of placentation is seen in lemon and tomato. In this type of placentation, the ovary is partitioned into two or more chambers by septa.

What type of placentation is seen in the ovary of citrus?

Option C: Lemon has axial placentation as the ovules are present in and around the center of a compound ovary on an axis which is formed from a joined septa.

What type of placentation is present?

The placentations are of different types namely or five types that are marginal, axile, parietal, basal, central and free central.

What type of placentation is found in the ovary of citrus and pea?

The ovary in which the placenta forms a ridge along the ventral suture of the ovary and the ovules develop on two separate rows is known to have marginal placentation. This type of placentation is found in peas.

Which one is a false fruit?

The false fruits can be defined as the fruit, which is formed from the ripened ovary along with some other parts of the flower like the base or receptacle, the perianth etc. Examples: Apple, banana, cashews, strawberry, are all examples of false fruits.

What type of placentation is found in orange?

Axile placentation
Axile placentation: The placenta is axial and the ovules are attached to it in a multilocular ovary. Example: China rose, tomato and orange.

In which plant Free Central placentation is found?

The plant Dianthus has free-central placentation in tis ovary. Ovules are attached on the main axis of the placenta….Question : Free central placentation is found in.

Question Free central placentation is found in
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Which family has free central placentation?

Parietal, axile, and parietal (or axile) placentation are found in the Cucurbitaceae, Malvaceae, and Orchidaceae families, respectively. A single chambered ovary with ovules borne on the central axis has free central placentation.

What type of placentation does Orange have?

Axile placentation: The placenta is axial and the ovules are attached to it in a multilocular ovary. Example: China rose, tomato and orange. Free central placentation: The ovules are borne on central axis and septa are absent.

Which placentation is in Lady finger?

Okra or Lady finger has axial placentation. In plants, the terms placentation refers to the arrangement of placentas inside a flower of fruit. Axial placentation is a type of placentation in which carpel are folded inside with ovules with placed along the central axis of the ovary.

Which placentation is present in pea?

Complete answer: Marginal placentation occurs in a monocarpellary, unilocular ovary. Plants belonging to Fabaceae family like Gram, Pea, Arhar, Sunhemp, Moog, Lupin bear Marginal placentation.

Which type of placentation is found in sweet pea?

Marginal placentation
So, the type of placentation that can be seen in sweet pea commonly known as (Pisum sativum) is Marginal placentation. The second type is axile- In axile placentation when the placenta is axial and the ovules are attached to it in a multilocular ovary, the placentation is said to be axile.

Where does the axile placentation occur on a citrus plant?

Lemon or Citrus (Family-Rutaceae), tomato or Lycopersicon sp. (Family-Solanaceae), China rose or Hibiscus (Family Malvaceae) etc. have axile placentation. It occurs in multi carpellary, syncarpous ovary. Inward growth of margins of carpels forms a multi carpellary condition which contains an axis in the centre.

Where does placentation occur in tomato and lemon?

Placentae arise from this central axis which bear ovules. Lemon or Citrus (Family-Rutaceae), tomato or Lycopersicon sp. (Family-Solanaceae), China rose or Hibiscus (Family Malvaceae) etc. have axile placentation. It occurs in multi carpellary, syncarpous ovary.

Where are the placentations found in flowering plants?

Various types of placentations found in flowering plants are The placenta forms a ridge along through the ventral suture of the ovary, ovules are borne on the ridge to form two rows. The placenta is axial and ovules are attached to it in a multilocular ovary. Ovules develop on the inner wall of the ovary or on the peripheral.

Which is an example of free central placentation?

Dianthus. Free central placentation is present in single chambered ovary with ovules borne on the central axis. Brassica and Argemone (parietal placentation), Citrus (axile placentation), Dianthus (free central). Answer verified by Toppr

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