
Which statement about party identification and gender in the United States is most accurate quizlet?

Which statement about party identification and gender in the United States is most accurate quizlet?

Which statement about party identification and gender in the United States is MOST accurate? Women are significantly more likely than men to identify with the Democratic Party, whereas more men identify as Republicans.

How long have Democrats vs Republicans?

Founded in 1828, the Democratic Party is the oldest of the two largest U.S. political parties. The Republican Party was officially founded in 1854, but the histories of both parties are intrinsically connected.

What is the single greatest influence in establishing a person’s first party identification quizlet?

Parents are the single greatest influence in establishing a person’s first party identification.

What kind of party system does the United States have?

Today, America is a multi-party system. The Democratic Party and the Republican Party are the most powerful. Yet other parties, such as the Reform, Libertarian, Socialist, Natural Law, Constitution, and Green Parties can promote candidates in a presidential election.

Which of the following occurs when one party replaces another party that has dominated national politics for a lengthy period of time quizlet?

Which of the following occurs when one party becomes dominant after replacing another party that has dominated national politics for a lengthy period of time? machines.

Which party entity has the responsibility of establishing a cohesive vision?

Which party entity has the responsibility of establishing a cohesive vision for partisan identifiers nationwide? The national committee.

Which of the following activities do lobbyists engage in?

Which of the following is an activity that lobbyists regularly engage in? Providing elected officials with information about an issue or bill that is important to the group.

What is the defining feature of realignment?

Realignment means the switching of voter preference from one party to another, in contrast to dealignment (where a voter group abandons a party to become independent or nonvoting).

What is the key feature that makes American political parties different from interest groups click or tap a choice to answer the question?

What is the key feature that makes American political parties different from interest groups? -They try to influence the policies the government makes.

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