
Which type of organic compound is hemoglobin?

Which type of organic compound is hemoglobin?

Hemoglobin is an example of a globular protein. Learn how hemoglobin proteins in the blood transport oxygen from the lungs to tissues throughout the body. Each hemoglobin molecule is made up of four heme groups surrounding a globin group, forming a tetrahedral structure.

What organisms have hemoglobin?

Hemoglobin occurs in all kingdoms of organisms, but not in all organisms. Primitive species such as bacteria, protozoa, algae, and plants often have single-globin hemoglobins. Many nematode worms, molluscs, and crustaceans contain very large multisubunit molecules, much larger than those in vertebrates.

Which is the compound containing heme?

Heme is composed of a ringlike organic compound known as a porphyrin, to which an iron atom is attached. It is the iron atom that reversibly binds oxygen as the blood travels between the lungs and the tissues. There are four iron atoms…

Is hemoglobin a porphyrin?

Hemoglobin and myoglobin are chemically similar molecules that contain porphyrin groups. Porphyrins are cyclic structures comprised of four pyrrole rings joined by methine bridges.

Is haemoglobin an organic compound?

At a simple level, we can say that hemoglobin (a.k.a. haemoglobin) is a metalloprotein. Apart from these 4 iron atoms, the rest of the hemoglobin molecule is organic, containing several protein chains.

Does Haemoglobin contain DNA?

How is hemoglobin made? Like all proteins, the “blueprint” for hemoglobin exists in DNA (the material that makes up genes). Normally, an individual has four genes that code for the alpha protein, or alpha chain. Two other genes code for the beta chain.

Is heme a blood?

Hemes are most commonly recognized as components of hemoglobin, the red pigment in blood, but are also found in a number of other biologically important hemoproteins such as myoglobin, cytochromes, catalases, heme peroxidase, and endothelial nitric oxide synthase.

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