
Who has Reverend Parris sent for and why?

Who has Reverend Parris sent for and why?

He sends for the doctor because he wants to find out what’s wrong with her; he is hoping she is just ill. He also sends for Reverend Hale because the community is talking of witchcraft, and he wants to disprove it. Ironically, the arrival of Hale begins the witch hunt in earnest.

Who is Reverend Hale and why has he been sent for?

Reverend Hale is specifically summoned as an expert in detecting the presence of witchcraft. He is asked to come to Salem by Reverend Parris to examine his daughter Betty, after she falls into an unknown illness.

Who has Rev Parris sent for to investigate the matter?

Reverend Hale is a supposed expert in witchcraft. Reverend Parris requested that Reverend Hale come to Salem to investigate suspected witchcraft that may have affected his daughter Betty Parris. 19.

Does Rev Parris care about his daughter?

Reverend Parris is most concerned about his reputation. Audiences are very aware of this concern of his early in the play. His daughter, Betty, is sick on the bed, and nobody knows what is wrong with her. His number one concern should be Betty, but instead it is his image and reputation among the people of Salem.

What happened to Ann Putnam’s family Why is she so angry?

What happened to Thomas and Ann Putnam’s family? All of their babies died, except for Ruth. She believed the devil/witchcraft was involved in the death of her other children, and she sends Ruth to find out.

Does Rebecca think Betty is touched by the devil?

Does Rebecca think that Betty is touched by the devil? No. Rebecca thinks Betty will wake up in time. She is just in a “silly season,” and will be fine when she tires of acting that way.

What are Mr and Mr Putnam’s grievances?

Thomas Putnam has many grievances one of them is his wife’s brother in law, James Barley had been turned down as the minister of Salem. The reasons to why this happened was most likely because, Thomas and his brother jailed a former Salem minister for not paying his debts.

What is Reverend Parris afraid of?

In The Crucible, Reverend Parris fears that his congregation is out to get him. Mainly though, Parris is afraid that he will be implicated in the witchcraft accusations and scapegoating. After all, it is his daughter, Better, who is vexed. His slave from Barbados, Tituba, is implicated by his niece Abigail Williams.

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