
How are the gill filaments adapted to their function?

How are the gill filaments adapted to their function?

the large surface area of the blood capillaries in each gill filament. the short distance required for diffusion – the outer layer of the gill filaments and the capillary walls are just one cell thick. the efficient ventilation of the gills with water – there is a counter current flow of water and blood.

What is the function of the lamellae seen in the gill filaments of fish gills?

In fishes, gill lamellae are used to increase the surface area between the surface area in contact with the environment to maximize gas exchange (both to attain oxygen and to expel carbon dioxide) between the water and the blood.

How many gill filaments are there?

Gills in fish are arranged as a series of cartilaginous gill arches, each of which has two rows of gill filaments forming a corrugated structure through which the water flows (Fig. 25.4).

What is the main function of gills in fish?

Fish gills have an elaborate structure–function relationship with the environment and are usually the main gas-exchange organ where oxygen is taken up into the body and carbon dioxide is removed via diffusion, creating useable ATP energy through aerobic metabolic pathways, meaning the gills serve as an important …

What is going on at the gill filaments?

Gills are tissues that are like short threads, protein structures called filaments. These filaments have many functions including the transfer of ions and water, as well as the exchange of oxygen, carbon dioxide, acids and ammonia. The gills push the oxygen-poor water out through openings in the sides of the pharynx.

How does the gill filament in a fish work?

Each filament has thousands of fine branches (lamellae) that are exposed to the water. The branches contain blood capillaries beneath a thin epithelium that separates the blood from the water, allowing oxygen and carbon dioxide to pass through easily. Not all fish completely rely on their gills to breathe, however.

When do the gill filaments replace the blood vessels?

About 25–30 days after spawning, gill filaments are apparent as an outgrowth from the caudal side of the gill arches. These filaments are fine-like threads, and each contains one blood vessel. By day 70–75, they reach their maximum length. At the end of three months, internal gills replace the external gill filaments.

Where are the gill filaments located in the respiratory system?

In respiratory system: The gills A pair of gill filaments projects from each arch; between the dorsal (upper) and ventral (lower) surfaces of the filaments, there is a series of secondary folds, the lamellae, where the gas exchange takes place. The blood vessels passing through the gill arches branch into the filaments and…

Where are the filaments of the gill arches located?

A pair of gill filaments projects from each arch; between the dorsal (upper) and ventral (lower) surfaces of the filaments, there is a series of secondary folds, the lamellae, where the gas exchange takes place. The blood vessels passing through the gill arches branch into the filaments and…

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