Table of Contents
What is the integration center for the defecation reflex?
The reflex is integrated via the defecation centre in the sacral spinal cord.
Where does defecation occur in the body?
Muscular contractions (peristaltic waves) in the walls of the colon move fecal material through the digestive tract to the rectum.
Which is the point of defecation?
Defecation is necessary to expel undigested portions of food in addition to metabolic waste products like stercobilin from the body in the form of stool.
What is the right place of defecation?
Physiologically speaking, the correct position to poop is squatting because the flexion within our hips allows our rectoanal canal to straighten. You should also consider resting your elbows on your knees to achieve the “Thinker” position, which has been found to relieve constipation.
When is the Gastrocolic reflex strongest?
The gastrocolic reflex is most active during morning time and immediately after meals. Using this physiological reflex to our advantage helps treat constipation.
Why the defecation reflex is incomplete with Hirschsprung’s disease?
In Hirschsprung’s disease the innervation of the internal anal sphincter is defective, resulting in loss of reflex inhibition of the sphincter (Case 10.1: 4).
What is Type 2 Dyssynergia?
In type II dyssynergia, the subject is unable to generate an adequate propulsive force; additionally there is paradoxical anal contraction.
How are reflexes related to involuntary bowel movements?
Furthermore, impulses from the brain that cannot reach the conus medullaris of the spinal cord will also affect the voluntary component of defecation. The defecation reflexes also have other effects outside of the gastrointestinal tract. It triggers a deep breath and closure of the glottis.
What happens to the small intestine during the gastroileal reflex?
Gastroileal reflex – distention of the stomach while eating or immediately after eating triggers the relaxation of the ileocecal sphincter and speeds up peristalsis in the ileum (end portion of the small intestine). This causes the contents of the ileum to rapidly empty into the colon.
Which is a reflex that slows down stomach emptying?
Enterogastric reflex – distention and/or acidic chyme in the duodenum slows stomach emptying and reduces peristalsis. Duodenocolic reflex – distention of the duodenum a short while after eating triggers mass movements in the colon.
How is the rectoanal inhibitory reflex ( RAIR ) triggered?
The rectoanal inhibitory reflex (RAIR) is an involuntary internal anal sphincter relaxation in response to rectal distention. After the defecation reflex is triggered, you can either delay or defecate.