
Do Komodo dragons exist now?

Do Komodo dragons exist now?

Komodo dragons live on only five islands in southeastern Indonesia: Indonesia’s four islands within Komodo National Park (Komodo, Rinca, Gili Montang, Gili Dasami), and the island of Flores. Komodo dragons have the smallest home range of any large predator in the world!

Is Komodo dragon is a dinosaur?

The Komodo Dragon, tough considered by many intellectual groups to carry the same traits, characteristics and DNA strand that would otherwise link its ancestors to the Prehistoric Period, is by default only a very large reptile and not a dinosaur.

Is Komodo dragon rare?

Komodos are very rare and are found in the wild only on five islands: the Lesser Sunda Islands of Komodo, Rinca, Gili Montang and Gili Dasami — all within Komodo National Park — and the island of Flores, where the Komodo roams freely.

Are Komodo dragons in danger of extinction?

The Komodo dragons are not in danger of extinction , However, they have been listed as one of the animal species endemic to the Komodo Natural Park that is in a state of vulnerability.

Do Komodo dragons smell with their tongue?

The Komodo dragon’s sense of smell is its primary food detector. It uses its long, yellow, forked tongue to sample the air. It then moves the forked tip of its tongue to the roof of its mouth, where it makes contact with the Jacobson’s organs.

What are the natural predators of the Komodo dragon?

Komodo Dragon Predators. Due to their size, their strength, and the venom they produce the Komodo Dragon doesn’t have any natural predators. However, they have often been trapped and killed by humans. There is a strong hatred of this species of Lizard among many of the villagers that live around them.

Is a Komodo dragon is a reptile?

The Komodo dragon is in reality truly a giant reptile. On average a Komodo will weigh up to and over 300lbs and grow to 10ft long, but this is just an average representation of the species and they can of course grow much bigger and much more powerful.

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