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What does Splenule mean?
An accessory spleen, also called a supernumerary spleen, a splenule, or a splenunculus, is a benign and asymptomatic condition in which splenic tissue is found outside the normal spleen.
Is a Splenule bad?
An enlarged spleen is not normal and occurs because of another underlying disease. Signs of an enlarged spleen do not cause symptoms and usually are caused by an underlying illness, for example: Infections (mononucleosis, toxoplasmosis, endocarditis). Cancers, for example, lymphoma and leukemia.
What causes Splenules?
Splenules result from the failure of the splenic anlage to fuse during the fifth week of fetal life. Accessory splenic tissue is relatively common, having been identified in 16% of patients undergoing contrast abdominal CT, and is seen in 10% to 30% of patients at autopsy.
Can Splenules cause pain?
Symptoms typically include intermittent left upper quadrant pain due to ischemia in torsed splenules, but they can progress to an acute abdomen in more severe cases. It is important to differentiate splenules from wandering spleens, although infarction of the two may present with similar imaging findings.
Can a Splenule be removed?
Removing the spleen can be done to help treat the condition. Other common reasons a person may need a spleen removal include: Blood disorders: Hereditary elliptocytosis (ovalocytosis)
What is a Intrapancreatic Splenule?
An intrapancreatic accessory spleen is a splenunculus within the pancreatic parenchyma. Differentiating this finding from other pancreatic neoplasms is important to avoid unnecessary surgery.
Is spleen removal a major surgery?
Removing your spleen is a major surgery and leaves you with a compromised immune system. For these reasons, it’s only performed when truly necessary. The benefits of a splenectomy are that it can resolve several health issues such as blood diseases, cancer, and infection that could not be treated any other way.
Can an accessory spleen be misdiagnosed?
An intrapancreatic accessory spleen may be misdiagnosed as a nonsecreting neuroendocrine tumor of the pancreas. An accurate diagnosis is crucial since such an accessory spleen does not require surgical treatment.
What causes pain in left quadrant?
Common Causes: Left lower quadrant pain. Some of the possible common medical causes of Left lower quadrant pain may include: Cystitis. Chronic prostatitis. Pelvic inflammatory disease. Rectal abscess.
What causes pain in upper left quadrant of abdomen?
Pain in the upper left abdomen can be commonly caused by a stomach ulcer, acute gastritis, or indigestion. Read below for more information on causes and treatment options for upper left quadrant pain. This symptom can also be referred to as: upper left belly pain.
Can a splenule cause pain?
There may be some pain in the case of a massive splenomegaly or in cases of infectious and inflammatory causes of splenomegaly where proinflammatory cytokines may cause painful splenitis. Usually splenomegaly causes a dragging or dull rubbing sensation, especially when the stomach is distended after eating,…
What is left upper quadrant?
The left upper quadrant (LUQ) is a section of your tummy (abdomen). Look down at your tummy, and mentally divide the area from the bottom of your ribs down to your pubes into four quarters. The quarter on your left side closest to your ribs is your LUQ.